View Full Version : STUPID STUPID STUPID CAT! *breaks out into tears*
05-24-03, 04:39 AM
Okay...first things first, I wish that I could dip my cat into a vat of boiling acid. Why? Heres why:<br>
Last night was a warm night and so I had my windows wide open for the sir to come in. It was 28 degrees outside so my herps would be fine. Now, whenever I go to sleep, I put my cat ouside (unless its winter) so that she wont get to my herps. Well there's a lilac tree in front of my window which stretches up to my room. And my cat climbed it to get into my room. Luckily, I have screens on my windows so that mosquitos and cats can't get through but I guess I was wrong because that stupid cat ripped them open and silently crawled inside. I was sleeping, it was maybe 1:00 a.m. and then I here *CRASH SHATTER BANG!* I jump up to see what happened and there is my cornsnake enclosure lying on the ground in PIECES which my cat knocked down. She of course was frightened and ran away. There is a huge puddle of water all over my wood floor from the snake's soaking bowl too but I run to see if my sweet little Hamlet is ok. He's not. There is a piece of glass going through his skin and he is squirming in pain. I rush to wake my parents up and drive him to emergency. They take the glass out but have to keep him for another week until he is safe enough to come home. STUPID CAT! They say that he is definatly going to be alright and shouldn't even be left with a scar. Thank god!!! They also said that it will cost me around $200-$400 in vet bills. Not only that but I also have to replace the screen which can cost up to $50 and replace Hamlet's enclosure, water bowl, and his two clay pot hiding pots which shattered too which will cost me around another $50+. So that means that when I go to the show in september, I won't be able to buy anything at all since I will be owing my parents $400 at least and I will only be able to go for the people. That also means no new herps for another year since I already owe my parents $500 from my gecko and another cat accident, which I'm not even going to bother explaining. That stupid ****ing cat!!!!! :mad: :mad: :skull:
Emily... sorry to hear about your mishap... but remember it could've been a lot worse, A LOT!
A few years ago my boyfriend took in a cat that had been abandoned by our neighbors. I was okay with this because I love all animals, and our reptiles were always locked in a bedroom, (this is when I might add we stayed in a one-bedroom apartment and slept in the living room!)
Well as time went by we moved out and eventually landed in a studio for awhile. We, of course, took our zoo with us. For months we were careful about having someone watch the cat and reptiles at ALL TIMES. One night while I was working, he was supposed to be up watching the animals as usual (let me say that the cat never showed the slightest interest in our reptiles before) and I guess he fell asleep watching T.V. When I came home that morning I went to check on my 'children'.
I first noticed on approaching the leopard gecko tank that my boxer shorts were in there!! It was unusual, but not uncommon for one us to do that to give the geckos something to explore (Hey, they were clean!) On second notice I saw that the screen mesh on top of the tank had been RIPPED up from one corner and my heart SANK.
When I took everything out I discovered my male hi-yellow leopard gecko cowering in the corner. He appeared fine, but was very frightened. I never did find his sister, and one can assume that the cat got to her. It always makes a reptile owner feel shamefully stupid when something like this happens, and needless to say I booted the cat and the boyfriend for awhile. (The cat has a new home now). Cats are now banned from our household as a precaution.
You have a lot to be thankful for, and might I add, give your parents some credit! You are lucky they support what you like, and are sympathetic enough to rush your snake to the vet, as well as foot the bills. My parents would NEVER do that! I'm glad to hear the snake will be fine; and even though the cost will take months to repay be thankful that things weren't worse. There will always be more reptile shows coming and going!
Keep us updated on the snake's condition, I wish you the best of luck!
05-24-03, 05:47 AM
Okay I went back to the vet about an hour ago..I think that they gave the snake some sort of shot kind of like a pain killer since the pain that he was in could of killed him alone. He looks kind of dead at the moment and his sides are displaying his wonderful insides but I think that he will be ok. I calculated how long it will take me to pay off all of this stuff and it will take me 17 months since I also have to pay for food. I am so happy that my hamlet is ok!!
Good to hear he's alright, but I'm confused... is he staying with the vet or is he back home now? 17 months isn't bad, because losing him would've been much worse, right? I wouldn't worry too much about the money, just the snake. Another thing, I know this applies to humans, but snakes I'm not sure... if there is something piercing the flesh and is relatively severe it's better to leave it in, and let the doc remove the glass then it is to do it yourself. (As removing it yourself could cause more harm, or allow blood to flow from the wound, possibly hurting the animal more...) Keep us updated on his progress!
05-24-03, 06:44 AM
He is in the vet. Yeah, losing him would of been at least 50 times worse! And I didn't remove the glass...the people at emergency did. I can't wait for him to come home! I miss him so much...:(
05-24-03, 08:30 AM
I am so sorry to hear that Emily. I'm just glad little Hamlet is going to be okay. That was a real freak accident, and I'm glad you're cat didn't kill him. Why do you have the cat anyway? Can you not get rid of it??
05-24-03, 08:52 AM
Firstly, sorry to hear about your mishap Emily!! very tragic... But come on guys, lets not blame the cats!! :P They are very inquisitive and curious, that is their nature and by owning one we should all know that!! They always get into everything and if its small and slithers or crawls they will definatly be intrqiued!! :) Maybe i am biased because i love cats, but lets not blame them for being what they are! ;)
I OBJECT lol ...
I say blame the cats... It alwasy there fault lol .. Can't trust a mammal..
My cat story is this...
She gets attacked by a dog.. cost me 600$ of vet..
she then catches and severly injures my IJ carpet python..
Snake survives with scares but dies about 6 month later - huge problem feeder.. lots of complications after teh attack...
Cat escapes and I never see her again...
so in the end I loose my snake.. my cat and lots of money ..
lol I don't own any mammals now - except for feeders...
Greg West
05-24-03, 09:22 AM
I too have a cat story to tell. I bought 3 bearded dragons from Gold COast Bearded Dragons and 2 were 2 months old and the other was 3 weeks old. I got them the day before a reptile show and so they lived in temporary rubbermaids till their new home was actually home and setup. After the show I had no one to help me lift the cage upstairs so they had to stay in the rubbermaids for a couple of day. I kept them in the computer room with the door closed so the cat couldn't get in and when I leave the room I would always check to make sure the cat wasn't in there. Well one day I was sure the cat wasn't in there and too late to check so I closed the door and left for work. The cat was in there and decided to use the small baby as a chew toy. Needless to say the poor baby died and I lost a $300 US Bearded dragon. I couldn't blame the cat as it is their instinct to be curious and hunt, but man was I mad at myself for letting it happen.
05-24-03, 09:39 AM
I'm so sory to hear about your snake and wish the best for him. And i think most of us know what its like for a cat to destroy everything. I love cats they are my favorite mammal. But like you i do have a bad story about one but thankfully nothing happend ( or eles my boyfriend might have killed that cat.)
We live in the basement of his moms house and her boyfriend moved in and brought ekkkk his cat. Well someone (one of my boyfriends younger siblings) left the basement door open and guess who came down to explore. Needless to say it was a good thing my boyfriend got home when he did or else we probly wouldn't have a house right now. He walked it to find the 75 gallon enclosure we have for our leos a mess, the hides were all messed up the screen lid and one of the heat lamps and the flouresent fixture inside the cage, and a 150 watt (turned on) heat lamp sitting right on the couch. That cat got so lucky my boyfriend didn't find him before his moms boyfriend got home he was on a mission to search and destroy. LOL. i showed up abound 20 min. later he left everything the way it was except for the heat lamp on the couch. So i could see what the cat had done. I tore into that cage as fast as possible to see if any of my babies were gone. I was truely afraid of what i would have done to that cat if i would have found any of them missing. (and i love cats) but i was really pissed off. but it all ended ok and now we always make sure that door is closed.
some of us may have stories similar to yours so your not alone and from someone that has experinced a possible disaster from a feline. I truely wish you the best. And please keep us updated on his recovery.
05-24-03, 09:45 AM
Oh but I love my kitty!! As destructive as she is, I still love her. As for you, Jeff..haha! Seems like your cat is your best friend! In your gallery....all these photos of your ittle kitty..tisk tisk! You spoil him WAY too badly.
P.S. I just phoned the vets again and they said that Hamlet is doing much better than I though...a very healthy snake (hehe! yay for me!) and that he might be able to come home sooner than expected since he is doing so well.
05-24-03, 09:57 AM
I am curious now.. What did they give the snake for pain?
Any idea? And the dosage?
And yah, it bites about what happened, BUT, anytime there is a chance for a free raoming critter to be in the house or herp room, then you have to make sure there is no chance for them to open cages or knock them over....
05-24-03, 10:12 AM
That sucks... Why don't you have my cat? she goes in my room all the time... stays AWAY from the herps though. she is afraid of every animal in their after my hissing roaches hissed at her, haha! I once thought it would be fun to let her chase this GIANT cricket around, so I took it out of the cage, and tossed it infront of her... she let out this really loud RAAAUUUUUWWW! and SPRINTED away so fast... I have never seen a cat so scared, except when she came up when I was handling my bearded dragon... his beard puffs out, but since the door was closed for some reason, she couldn't get out of the room, and she was jsut ran into the corner and backed up against the wall... It was funny!
But, she is a nice cat...
So sorry about what happend... :(
Dan Conner
05-24-03, 10:26 AM
I'm glad your snake is recovering Emily :)
I know how you feel, I love my kitty too and couldn't just 'get rid' of her :P
When she was a kitten I used to 'mist' her when she got on top of my cages (for fear that when she got bigger she might collapse the mesh at the top) and she's trained anough to not go near them anymore...she liked to follow the crickets around in the tank with her nose and she still catches all the stray crix in my room.
But you can't train a cat, so I'm still always on the lookout. :D
Glad Hamlet is doing well! :D
05-24-03, 11:04 AM
yeah your lucky its not worse.i had a jungle runner a while back and my cat undid the latch some howand got in.and when i came home i found my jungle runner's (duke's)cage messed up and my cat inside the tank and i take the cat out to find out he was sitting on my jungle runner and well my jungle runner had two puncture wounds 3/4 the way through his throat.however it was still alive but i knew it was going to die and no hgerp vets live within 2 hrs of my house so i had no choice but to let it die in peace.
Glad to hear poor hamlet is doing better and didn't die/escape in the first place.
We had a problem with one of our kitties laying on top of a cage. We thought we had trained her of it as she had stopped but unfortunetly we were wrong. she fell through one day when we were out. That was our first escaped snake and the only one that we never found. :(
Now we have a special room for the herps and the screen that fell through has been reinforced with hardware cloth to make it not only cat proof but snake proof too.
Emily, I'm so thankful that your Hamlet is doing well and it sounds like he should make a very good recovery. I'm very sorry to hear of your troubles.
Have you ever tried Bitter Green Apple Spray? It's a smell and taste deterrent that my cat just cannot stand to be anywhere near! I'd treat your window screens with it so that the cat doesn't think it's a splendid adventure to come bursting through like that. That hardware cloth reinforcement sounds like an excellent idea as well.
05-24-03, 11:58 AM
So sorry to hear about that Emily -- but it's great that Hamlet seems to be doing well, and should be back home soon.
I don't even use screen lids anymore in places where the cats can get to... I've already had one bad experience, and close to a second one. When I still lived in Toronto, I was living with my (now ex) boyfriend in his parents basement, with our 2 cats. Our bedroom was where all the herps were -- one night I woke up in the middle of the night, not really sure why... only to look across the room and see my cat (my extremely FAT cat might I add) sitting on top of my crested gecko's tank. I literally jumped across the room and whacked him off of there --- my heart sank when I saw the screen collapsed into the tank. I figured that my crestie would be gone for sure -- it was a tall tank, but that doesn't mean anything to a gecko that can climb walls. And I was sure that I would never find her again, because that basement had crap everywhere... I went and turned on the lights, expecting the worst -- only to see my little baby cowering in a corner of her tank. My heart finally started beating again, and ohhhhh was I ever mad at that cat. Had to rig up a temporary lid for one of the leo tanks (I borrowed the lid from a leo tank the same size -- it's not like they can climb the walls and get out), because being the middle of the night, there was no way to get a new lid... and even after I got a new lid, I was still waking up paranoid several times a night, and while falling asleep bolting upright in bed at the slightest noise from that side of the room...
The more recent incident (which thankfully never went far enough to be dangerous) involves my ball python -- he's in my bedroom in the new apartment, in his new 25 gallon tank -- which I had gotten used, and it came with a screen lid. I was a little iffy about using this lid anyways, I didn't feel that it was secure enough to keep Xander in -- and after I caught my cat sitting on top of it a couple of times right after we moved in, that was the final straw. No way was a taking a chance of the big fat idiot falling in there and my snake getting out -- so I went out and bought one of those black wire lids, the kind that are really secure -- and can definitely take the weight of my fat cat if he ever jumps up there (which he has done several times). I'm going to have to start the old squirt bottle trick again I think...
Don't get me wrong though, I love my cats to pieces... can't imagine life without them. They just drive me nuts sometimes. ;)
05-24-03, 02:44 PM
How big is your cat that it can actually knock over a furnsihed colubrid cage??? Is it an ocelot? Or was the encloser precariously situated so that a slight disturbance would cause it to fall? I'm just wondering how its possible for an enclosure that's square/rectangle to actually tip and fall over.
05-24-03, 02:56 PM
sorry to hear that :( give the cat to me my burm will have him for dinner
Originally posted by eyespy
Emily, I'm so thankful that your Hamlet is doing well and it sounds like he should make a very good recovery. I'm very sorry to hear of your troubles.
Have you ever tried Bitter Green Apple Spray? It's a smell and taste deterrent that my cat just cannot stand to be anywhere near! I'd treat your window screens with it so that the cat doesn't think it's a splendid adventure to come bursting through like that. That hardware cloth reinforcement sounds like an excellent idea as well.
I'll have to try that bitter green apple spray, keep the cats out of some stuff in the house.
Here's a pic of how the screen looks afterwards
Does any one have any stories about a cat being eaten?
05-24-03, 05:09 PM
Jeff, it's just a normal ten gallon aquarium with a water bowl, 2 higes and a branch inside so it's not that heavy. The cat is big and weighs around 15 pounds.
Gee Jeff, jump all over her why don't you?
Any cat could knock over a small tank. Cats can be fat suckers with enough guts to knock stuff over. My cat as a kitten would work at things to tip them over to get a big response out of me. This cat can also open doors and comes when he's called, they're not stupid.
I'm sure no one appreciates you how are insinuating that Emily put her corn at risk.
05-24-03, 05:49 PM
Gee Jeff, jump all over her why don't you?
I'm sure no one appreciates you how are insinuating that Emily put her corn at risk.
Actually,....I wasn't insinuating anything, nor was I jumping on anybody. Questions are not acusations, and I'd appreciate it if I could ponder my thoughts without being "jumped on" or "insinuated" myself.
Thanking you in advance.
What are you talking about! Jeff didnt say anything that noted he was jumping all over Emily. All he asked is how a cat pushed over a cage.
Yeah, some of the stuff Jeff says is to the point and seems like an insult, when it really isn't at all.
I have a cat story too - when I was away for a day my cats got into my room (my door doesnt close, it just wedges into the doorway, so it isnt that solid) and jumped on my desk and knocked a 15gal plastic critter keeper over. Inside it were 2 baby veileds. I found one of them under a pillow, he seemed okay but was dead by morning. The second I didn't think I'd ever find, but I did a few hours later walking on my blanket. He survived just fine.
I was pretty miserable for a while, I really wanted to shoot myself. The cat responsible for it is gone - mostly because of my dad's allergies. She now lives with a nice old lady who thinks that cats can talk to her. My other cat, sushi, is too fat to hurt anything and is very good at finding things for me. I found the other chameleon because I was her sniffing at it, and last night she helped my find my escaped CRB.
Is it an ocelot?
Or was the encloser precariously situated so that a slight disturbance would cause it to fall?
Sounds like insinuation.
I'm all for getting right to the point. I'm not insulted,myself, but having spoke to Emily, this post did sadden her and that's just not cool considering her snake is at the vet's. No sorry to hear about that, just saracasm about the size of the cat and the idea that maybe she put her corn at risk.
It's just as easy to get to the point and politely ask how big was the cat that it was able to topple over the enclosure.
And no Jeff, didn't jump all over Emily, but I get pretty worked up when I see something insensitive as this.
Anyways, I just thought I'd stick up for the girl because it's not fair to make her feel any worse, if that's not Jeff's intention, then great. I just get upset when I see people who are already down, get even more down.
No further comments on this thread.
05-24-03, 07:36 PM
My Grandma has a Cat it has attacked me a few times, it's the devil incarnate i swear! I have a turlte which has bitten once in thirteen years, but the main difference is that the turtle attcked me out of fear. The cat attacked me 'cause it's evil, the only unprovoked attacks that i have been a part of are always mammals: cats and humans
P.S. my female columbian snake has yet to even get into strike position while i've handled her
05-24-03, 09:49 PM
All I can say is I'm so sorry and at least the stupid cat didn't eat Hamlet...*hug hug hug*
oh no! As much as it is hard to tell exactly what happened, I think your cat is dead. Sad, to say the least. good for the snake though.
iam surprised the snake lived, thats good........ Why did an arguement start from such a simple question? In all honesty I wondered to myself how a common house cat knocked a tank over.. And asking if the cat was an ocelot was just a joke, dont be so sensitive. Geez!!
By the way, I have a curious rottweiller that weighs well over 100 lbs and hes never done any damage to my tanks, so i can see where the question came from. I really dont think there was any insulting implication there.. But anyways, good luck with the snake.
05-25-03, 12:03 AM
I'm just glad my cat is cool. She's a major killer of rabbits/bunnies, rats, lizards, snakes and birds in the wild. But she is a total sweetheart in the house and "respects" everything in it. She even just walks by the snake cages. All she does is take a sniff and then scratches her sides against it because it feels good to her, lol.
Originally posted by Mason
oh no! As much as it is hard to tell exactly what happened, I think your cat is dead. Sad, to say the least. good for the snake though.
Why do you think the cat is dead? I'm not sure I follow, as far as I can tell from the post nothing happened to the cat.
Emily: Who's pet is the cat, your folks or yours?
Tim and Julie B
05-25-03, 01:08 AM
Well I remember coming home after shopping with Tim and my mother in law and wondering to myself "Where's Jones?"(tim's cat) So I went in our bedroom and there he was in my 33 gallon tank with my two leos! I screamed like someone had attacked me, Tim rushed in, and I told him to take his stupid f*****g cat out of the room cause if I put my hands on him it would be around his throat and at the time I was pretty certain that I would have done just that. I left the room while Tim's mom hugged me and said it would be okay and Tim came out laughing. I got real mad at him cause (and I said)"You think this is funny? You're f*****g cat killed my babies!" and he kept laughing and told me it was okay but that I had to go see for myself. So I go in the room and take a very close look at my babies (counting all toes, limbs and such) and then I burst out laughing too!:D My "sweetie-pie" Fatty Tail (she has a regen) has the hugest mass of cat hair in her mouth. That'll teach the stupid cat (never learned his lesson-r.i.p house geckos) to mess with my girl! Took a while to swab out all the hair and I had to empty all the new substrate cause of all the loose kitty hair, but I sure was glad that my girl was okay.
05-25-03, 03:40 AM
No it was not Jeff's intention to make Emily feel any worse than she does. It was Jeff's intention (as always) to get people to think about things, perhaps in a different way than they were previous.
An aquarium is a rectangular object, that, unless standing on end, is not an easy thing to tip. Even empty, they can't be tipped all that easy. I am certain, that for my size, I could not tip a rectangular object of similar ratio that that cat did. So what does that tell me? It tells me that the tank was placed in a place that's quite dangerous. I know Emily knows this now (obvious), but what about other people? It seems like over 70% of the people here have cats. I know it sucks for Emily, but what about her snake? Does life not suck a bit more for that corn now than her? I think it does. So if people don't make the mistake that Emily made because they think about things, then is that not good?
I think it is.
That'll teach the stupid cat (never learned his lesson-r.i.p house geckos
Tim/Julie, how did your cat catch a house gecko?? Those things are nuclear fast!! I had one loose in my reptile room about 10 years ago, and I could never catch it. I never did find it either. But every day we had a little game where I would turn out the lights at night, wait 15 minutes, and then race back into the room and chase him/her for about 10 minutes. And all I ever caught was air!! LOL!! And now I work with snakes. :D
Jeff, you probably couldn't jump onto a fence of relative height, though. :)
05-25-03, 05:07 AM
The cat belongs to me :) She attacks everybody else's feet on command :p
05-25-03, 06:26 AM
im sorry to hear about your snake emily:( hope he recovers well!!
Tim and Julie B: scary! but lmao at the gecko with a mouth full of fur!! attitude man......attitude!
An aquarium is a rectangular object, that, unless standing on end, is not an easy thing to tip
if the tank was on a desk or table it could easily be pushed off.
if i were you emily i would go for a wooden or plastic vivarium, next time, to be on the safe side.....and maybe put rubber grips on the bottom so it wont move??
Tim and Julie B
05-25-03, 11:24 AM
The crazy cat managed to rip a hole in the screen top of our huge hexagon display tank, and I suppose he sat patiently waiting for the gecko to pop out the hole, although I'm fairly certain he had to hunt it down cause he was in another room when we found him with the gecko. The funny thing is that it's the only cage he tries to break into. I'm not sure what the fasination is with it, but my cat could care less about all the other four legged critters, Tim's cat on the other hand.............good thing he's cute!:D
05-25-03, 11:32 AM
if the tank was on a desk or table it could easily be pushed off.
THANK YOU XxRachxX!! Now, is that not percisely my point? Why yes it is.
05-25-03, 11:34 AM
Ha ha Zoe, no I probably couldn't. Those suckers can jump man!
Emily, if you can make your cat attack people, I'd keep it. That's pretty damn cool!! :D
Tim/Julie, I guess it was just like shooting fish in a barrel then?
05-25-03, 12:21 PM
My cat just loves my snakes, the cat was born at my house so he's been around snakes ever since he could walk. He grew up with my one ball python, and the cat will just lay on my bed and let the snake sit on top of him. He just lays there and purrs away. But i'm always there and the cat is not aloud in the room unless i'm in there.Cause i know that any cat can change his mind at how he wants to act in a heartbeat. :)
05-25-03, 12:38 PM
I LOVE cats!!! They taste just like chicken!
05-25-03, 12:59 PM
lol... that's gross ;)
05-25-03, 02:09 PM
chicken, eh?? riiight...
05-25-03, 03:22 PM
ewww....... i REALLY hope your joking :D
:o omg u better be joking tai pan1. Did u really eat a cat lol!!!
05-25-03, 06:36 PM
Man that sucks! i hope you can get a job to pay that off or something. but if you had a burm or retic maby the cat wouldnt of been so lucky :D well anyway sorry to hear about that i hope you can get some money.
I second Taipan's statement!!! Actually, I dont, but look at it this way, we eat cows and pigs, whereas some people find that custy and twisted. For some people, the word dog is like "protein" ;) People down in Texas ( from what some dude told me ) eat rattlers... Find that sick? Not really, the abundance of them their stikes some people curiosity's , lol. I've eaten alligator in Lousiana last trip I took. The meat is so damn good but pretty steep. Give it a shot sometimes ;) You know, people eat more then just pigs and cows :) Respect people for that :)
Just my 50 cents ;)
05-25-03, 06:50 PM
Yeah well SOME people in Texas eat rattlers! I prefer not to for the love of the species :D
Gary D.
05-26-03, 01:17 PM
All in all I am glad I keep large boas. Nope, no cat problems here.
My best cat story is on hot summer days we occasionally leave the the doors open to allow the air to move through the house. Well occasionally the neighbour cats stop in for a visit. Well ond day it was staring down my 9' female B.c.i. looking as if it were thinking "hey that looks interesting to pounce on", while she was looking back through the glass doors with much the same look.
lol... Well, I dunno, to me there is a difference between eating a fat ugly old cow and a cute fluffy little kitten or a doe-eyed baby calf.
And anyway, cats and dogs are all BONE... blerh. I'd rather eat a nice juicy rare steak any day. Yum.
05-26-03, 03:09 PM
Buzz worms have to many bones as well.. Personally if it's made of meat it's on the menu at least once....
Someone told me that it's against regulations to knowingly serve Domesticated dogs and cats in the US of A.. Anyone know how true that holds?
Steeve B
05-26-03, 03:36 PM
Hello Emily sorry to hear about your misfortune, let me help you a little, I have a 15 gal with cover and all the goods you need, free of charge, I can have it delivered tomorow afternoon anywhere in Montreal.
hope this helps! kind regards
05-26-03, 07:08 PM
Sweet deal Emily! Take it! That's super nice of Steve. :D
05-26-03, 07:16 PM
Omg Steve you are so cool!! haha :) I hope that you arent just doing it because of the snake...if you are, I would rather you keep the tank...why? because lets say that the snake never got hurt, then i wouldn't of gotten the tank...oh nevermind...I have my reasons but sure steve! That would be great!
05-27-03, 01:20 PM
Cats are predators. You can't blame a cat for being a cat.
In a few years of keeping herps, I've had a couple of cat incidents. Each time was my fault. A few minutes of being inattentive and the result was an episode of "Wild Kingdom" in my house.
I paid my vet bills and learned to be more alert. My girlfriend's cat was the culprit each time. Sure I was mad, but I have to hand it to him, he's not all the way domesticated and smart enough to bide his time, and make the most of a limited window of opportunity.
Nobody here gets mad at a herp for biting them, do they? So why get mad at a cat? Which is a more responsive, intelligent animal anyway. I love herps, but I try to keep things in perspective.
Emily and Steve... I just read you're both from Montreal... so am I.
Maybe we even know each other,,, we never know..
Are you in any herp. association ? I go at each monthly reunion for the Mtl Herp. ***. in Dorval
Are you in any french herp forum ? reptilarium ou Magazoo ?
05-27-03, 03:09 PM
I'm not in any herp club...I've never been to magazoo cuz I dont know anyone who could take me and I have never heard of reptilarium. But would be a blast to get to know all of you!! And maybe poisonous too..she lives in montreal too:):)
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