View Full Version : Selling White's?

Tara Garratt
05-24-03, 12:04 AM
As everyone can tell from my recent posts I have been having a lot of difficulty with my baby White's tree frogs. To make a long story very short, I want to try again as I have been assured by many that the frogs had to be carrying this bacterial infection before they came as I only had them for a couple of days before the symptoms appeared. I really want to try again, but not from the same place. Can anyone recommend a place to buy CB White's tree frogs? I would like to try to find some that are a bit larger than these guys were. These ones were about the size of a big lima bean. Of course I will thoroughly clean the tank before I get anything else. Thanks for any help you can give.

Tara Garratt

05-24-03, 03:45 PM
What area are ya from? I got my CB Blue Phase Whites from Gobal Exotics and had NO problems with it. They are great to get frogs from.

Tara Garratt
05-25-03, 12:05 AM
Hi Dozer,
I seem to be from the amphibian and reptile free zone in Canada. It seems very hard to find much in Saskatchewan, or maybe I am just looking in the wrong places. Given my previous problem I am terrified to ship. The place I bought the White's from is a good, reputable place but it seems that the frogs had something. The only reason I don't want to go back to them is that I don't want to chance getting something else that might have whatever it is that these guys have. I have no doubt that shipping helped to exacerbate the problem.

All that said, you are pleased with Global Exotics. That is great to know. How long ago did you buy your frog? How big was it? And if you don't mind me asking, how expensive? It costs me about $70 to fly frogs in from Ontario. I appreciate your responses to my posts. Thanks again for trying to help.

Tara Garratt

05-25-03, 07:01 PM
I got my frog at a show for moderately cheap... I beleive it was 45 bucks or so ( baby blue phase too ;) ) Now, it wasn't THAT small either, about the size of the canadian toonie :) I watched it grow, but I made a horrible mistake... I got lazy with cleaning the water ( I used to have a home made waterproof rock formation that i built, and each time i cleaned it, took me a good 10 minutes ). So I went to Canadian Tire and purchased a clay pot bottom ( HUGE mistake! ) The chemicals from the water clog into the pourus material ( effect of osmosis ) and when I replaced the water each two days, it would jsut get contaminated all over again. Slowly and surely my frog developed a very strange disease that makes the frog very clumsy, tipsy and very unbalanced. Surely enough the poor thing couldn't even grab its food properly, surely thats no way to live! So I decided to put her misery to an end and placed her in the freezer. I took her out literally a few hours later, she slowly defrosted ( wanted to check her out and stuff ) and she was alive again, well and looking really hungry. Call me crazy, but this is true. I fed her a few crickets in a really warm and humid tank and she grasped it. i was really happy for my fortune. But sadly, she died a few weeks later. Her death is fully my fault for I should have known better. Thats the story of my whites, Milena ( named her after this girlie I liked ;) ) But, if you can get from anyone, get from them. It will cost you to ship and all, but you wont be dissatified for sure!

Hope ya learned not to buy ****** things from Canadian Tire ;)