View Full Version : cooling the corns

05-22-03, 08:19 PM
I need to cool the temp in my corn cage to hybernate them for breeding. how do the pro's do it? better yet how can i do it?

05-22-03, 09:54 PM
It's a bit late for them to go into brumation, and they certainly won't do it at this time of year on their own but I remember a discussion on another noted corn forum and they said it could be possible at any time of year as long as they aren't exposed to natural light cycles, because even if there is a smidge of light they will have an idea what time of year it is. I don't know what value this actually holds because I've only talked to and read about brumating them before the New Year.

Some people use a garage, basement, etc. Its a good idea to check the temps a year before during the same time you would be brumating them so you know what type of temps you get in the spot you picked before putting the snakes there.


05-23-03, 12:46 AM
Marisa is dead-on (as usual). Its too late now, so fatten those female up for next year.

As to how to cool them down, no one can tell you that unless they live in your house. The "pros" use many many many many different methods. Some use basements, some use rooms with air-conditioning, some use refridgerators hooked up to thermostats, some use the outdoors, etc etc etc etc. Point is, its impossible to tell you how to do it. Get the temps to 55F any way you can. Don't worry how other people do it, just do it.

05-23-03, 06:47 PM
My parrents have the perfect room in their basement (could actually brumate them any time of the year there), only problem is she's afraid of snakes and she's nosy so if i put a box in there she'd look in. then i would have no more snakes.

05-25-03, 09:56 AM
I live in florida, we maybe get 2 weeks of cold a year. the cold days are spread out over the year too. btw i never had to turn on the heater since ive lived here. oh and we floridians dont have basements either. if we tried we'd have an indoor pool. id say my best bet would be refrigeration with a thermostat. but since im too late i got time to plan out a good one. i build a 100+ tank, 5/2/2.5 . i plan on deviding it into 3 levels. i guess ill hook up the refrigeration to it. think it'll work?

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(no camra)

05-25-03, 09:58 AM
that drawing didnt work at all :(

05-25-03, 02:59 PM
Well you know corns live naturally in the wild there I believe. I realize it doesn't get very cold there but it obviously gets cold enough for them to brumate in the wild, why not use the temp outside during that time of year to do it?


05-25-03, 03:34 PM
many animals can cycle by light or cold but not always a necessary condition, both together can improve probability. With corns temps and light are much less important, part of why they can be very easy to double clutch even without light or temp control, be careful giving advise in this area unless your sure you know what your talking about (NOT refering to any previous posts :) )

05-25-03, 07:06 PM
corns in rubbermaid on cement floor in your garage. but it is too late now. you will have to wait till next year