View Full Version : Finally

05-22-03, 03:58 PM
My darn persian sand boa, E.johnii persicus, ate after half a year of not eating! Actually, it seems longer than that.

I got him to finally eat by introducing the fuzzy near the surface of his crushed walnut and when he grabbed it, moving him onto newspaper so he doesn't injest anything. I guess he need to feel safe and hidden to eat.

He's MEAN.

05-22-03, 04:12 PM
*cough* *whispers* opaque butter dish for feeding spot, inside tank.

05-23-03, 06:58 AM
got any pics Katt?

05-24-03, 11:26 PM
Hi sweetheart! My males are off their feed too. Many male Eryx don't eat in the breeding season. Even some of my 2 year olds that may not be mature still tend to go off in the breeding season.
By the way, I answered your question about conicus size on
"the other site"
It's looking good for both conicus and johnii this season...

05-25-03, 07:47 AM
Rev you kill me! Can you leave the food in there and they go in for it is that how it works?

05-25-03, 04:02 PM
I think there's a pic here.

<img src="http://members.shaw.ca/kattia/johnii.JPG">

Yes, I saw Unkie. I have a male roughscale. Got him last week, he's not eating!! Worrying me. Female's eating, I measure her at around 17 inches.

Yes, they do twitch sideways and bite, mine are NASTY! Pretty though, I'll get pics sometime soon.

05-25-03, 08:51 PM
actually with some airholes I put both togther over night (no outlet) and if it (the pinky) isn't gone the next morning I mark it as a refusal and try again a week later