View Full Version : black algae

05-20-03, 11:41 PM
My tank has some black colored algae that looks like hair. It only grows on the plants that are about one inch from the light, and no where else. But it certainly is unsightly and it grows really thick there.

How can I rid myself of this?


05-21-03, 12:03 AM
get a plecko?
This is a really blurry pic of one of mine, it keeps a 40 gallon tank algae free. It's up and down the plants all day.

Shane Tesser
05-21-03, 12:06 AM
its called black hair brush algae...how ever it is actually part of the red algae family. Usually comes hitch hiking on the backs of new plants introduced or it will come in the stomach of a new fish. I have some as well. I am keeping it at bay as much as i can and i will share what i know. First off...as far as fish are concerned, the only one that really eats the stuff effectively enough to do anything about it are siamese algae eaters. Now before you go and buy some of those...arm yourself with some info on them....as they are not flying foxes as some stores would have you believe...and they are not false siamese algae eaters...infact they are rare imports..and the other two i just mentioned will not eat algae...there is a link i have with identification for you...ill get it in the morning as im about to go to bed....dont be fooled..most stores think they have the proper fish..and they dont...i proved four stores in my area wrong to this effect.

The second thing you can do, which i see as being very popular is tear the tank about and use the bleach method. I know this sounds extreme..but thats how serious this algae is. They recommend a 1/20 bleach to water mixture, and dip the plants and decorations in one by one for about 5 minutes each. Then wash with clean water and re-install. You have to be very cafeful with this method..as most fine leafed plants will definately suffer damage.

Another method is the use of copper...but for this..you can have nothing that is living in the tank...it will kill fish, inverts..etc...and most likely kill fine leaved plants.

Some ppl may suggest algaecides....i did an experiment with algae destroyer brand..its suppose to be one of the most harsh..and it did kill it...only to have it come back in a week alot worse.

Thats about what i know of it....good luck to you..if the tank is small i would use the bleach method personally...im about to do it myself...this stuff is unbelieveable..i have never seen any algae like it all these years...if you research it..you will find the same info that basically i just gave you. Do the usual and check your parameters..but this is one of the rare forms that appears hitch hiked on other plants and animals..usually imports from asia. As in the case of my tank where everything was in check. As for it just sprouting up...it takes a couple of weeks..it looks dormant at firsth..then within a week or two..it will take over the tank..so dont be surprised to wake up to lots of it in a couple weeks if left untreated...and just removing the leaves will release spores into the water...hope this helps...it sucks i know..im losing my mind over this stuff...150 gallons is hard to treat :(

Shane Tesser
05-21-03, 12:08 AM
Someone responded while i was writting mine...Plecs..and no other algae eater will eat this stuff (other than the TRUE siamese algae eater)...or at least in great enough quantities to have any effect...you have to read the type of algae the person describes before assuming that there will be an instant cure!

05-21-03, 07:16 AM
Hi Marisa. I agree with Shane. I have a close relative of this algae in my tanks. I can describe it to you best as green hair. I have left it in one tank as my baby platties love it. I just scoop some out once in a while to keep it at bay. I don't think that plecos will eat it though as I have a pleco with my platties & have never seen him go near the stuff. I, too tried the algaecides with no luck on my other tank that acquired the stuff. It stayed away only after the javex wash though I think I maybe didn't need it so strong as I used a 1 - 10 diluted mix. Hope you have some luck ! Dar.

05-21-03, 02:25 PM
Well thanks for the good news guys ...haha not :D

I really don't want to take the tank apart for the plant washing. :( So at this point I think I will ignore it. It only grows when one of my plants has a leaf that reaches an inch or less to the waterline...everything else seems unaffected. I am thinking thats because I have low light levels....I trimmed the last plant down so maybe that's what I will keep doing.

Thanks guys! What a menace certain aqaurium inhabitants are! (also gritting my teeth over the OVER abundance of snails Shane and others have warned me about, yes I did think they were cute at one time!)
