View Full Version : Humidity

Solid Snake
05-20-03, 10:49 PM
Can i put a towel on top of the snake tank to increase the humidity using only the under tank heater? Snakes dont need much air, is that right?

05-20-03, 10:52 PM
I found the towel on top of tank thing works worse than nothing at all. Towels are meant to soak up water so.....I dunno maybe others have a different experience with it.

They do in fact need fresh air. You wouldn't want to cover the entire tank with anything. It will be very difficult for you to regulate humidity and such in a tank. Difficult but not impossible. The only solution I have found is making a plexi-glass lid. But then the ventilation goes down and I have noticed that causes mold sometimes even when its clean, and it smells. I didn't want my BP living in that if I wouldn't so I bought a clear rubbermaid.


05-20-03, 11:19 PM
Ive unly found that it works with the towel wet and covering 1/2 of the screen. 1/4 of screen on both sides. And it only works with an heat lamp. Humidity stays around 55-65* but you have to have the 24 lamp schedule. And you have to play aroun with the towel a bunch keep it moist and throw is in the washer every 1-2 weeks.