View Full Version : My Russian is SUCH the coolest thing!

05-20-03, 09:28 PM
I'm so glad I spoke with tortoise owners for a few months before deciding which type of tortoise to get, because Tonka the Russian fits into my life so beautifully.

His diet is very easy for me to provide, a little bit of the greens that are good for my beardies and iguanas plus grasses and flowers that I can grow in windowboxes all year round. His preferred temperature range is easy to maintain in my house and he's never shown a bit of stress when in his cage. Tonka is active and interesting and I think he's also interested in me because I catch him watching me sometimes.

So far the only thing I know he doesn't like is me picking him up and I've only done that a couple of times to soak him after the big cross-country journey he made to make sure he's hydrated. Now he happily soaks himself in his water dish, then potties in it so I don't have to scoop his substrate.

He's the greatest tortoise! Thanks to everyone who took the time to answer all my stupid questions. You've really helped both Tonka and me.

Bearded AL
05-20-03, 09:36 PM
Congrats Eyespy on your new fella sounds like you just found a new friend ,and after all the help you have given me in the past I wish I could have helped you here but maybe someday I will be able to help you hehe AL

05-20-03, 09:52 PM
I was happy to help, Bearded Al. If you ever are in the market for a tortoise just let me know and I'll bend your ear with the praises of the Russian tortoise. :D

Tim and Julie B
05-20-03, 09:52 PM
Great news Eyespy. I am glad both you and Tonka are happy. Russians are very cool but not one I have added to my collection yet. Maybe someday. Some tortoises just seem happy go lucky and adjust very easily. Good to hear it is working out so well!

05-20-03, 10:08 PM
Awesome! Im glad you got something thats so great for you and your lifestyle! Good luck with it. I hope to see pics soon. ;-)

05-20-03, 10:19 PM
So far I've only taken one picture that's turned out, the others were too dark, but here it is:

<img src="http://www.repticzone.net/images/96/Dcp_1128.jpg">

05-20-03, 10:25 PM
!!! Woah thats awesome! I like it! :D

05-20-03, 10:28 PM
Hee hee, that's how he'd look all the time if I'd let him! That boy has such an appetite. If I'm not careful he'll overeat like crazy so I make him fill up some on timothy hay and dole out the tastier stuff in smaller quantity.

05-21-03, 02:20 AM
I want a tortoise too, haven't decided what kind yet though... if i had the space, time and money and the species i wanted was available, it would be a galapagos tortoise.

05-21-03, 10:08 AM
A sweet little Russian tortoise might not be your bliss then, Lisa. The really huge females get to be 8 inches straight carapace length. They are sort of pocket torts. ;)

05-21-03, 10:29 AM
Actually the idea of a free roaming house tortoise appeals to me, it would have to be big enough to let the cats know it wasn't to be bothered... Not worried about the dog, he's a big wimp. Though if it was a really big one I could see the cats in for a surprise when they curled up on this "rock" to sun them selves and the rock started moving.

Right now we don't have the space or time for a tortoise, maybe in the future.

05-21-03, 11:53 AM
Free roaming torts can be a real challenge from what I've read. They love to rearrange their environment and can be fairly destructive. Plus it's tough to ensure that they get enough UVB exposure. Unlike free-roaming iguanas they don't tend to climb to one nice high perch where you can hang lighting and know they will spend a few hours there every day.

I was seeking just the opposite. Since I already have a free-roaming ig and a cat, I was looking for a dryland tortoise that didn't need a really huge cage. Tonka will probably not get bigger than 6 inches and will be happy all his life in the 65 gallon Reptarium I have for him. A 100 watt mercury vapor bulb is all he needs to maintain comfortable temps and a good quality UVB source. It's not hard to keep him dry and comfortable and so far he seems to be pretty happy with his new home.