View Full Version : Snake Measuring QUESTION
Chris Steele
05-20-03, 05:55 PM
I want to know what the best way to measure a snake is, is measuring a full shed accurate?
No, full sheds aren't accurate. They are stretched out longer then the snake. There is a program you can download off the net, dunno its name thought, all you do is take some pics of your snakes with an object in the background and it will calculate the length for you. I"m sure someone else on this site can give u more details bout it. I just use a tape measure good enough for me as I don't need it down to the last milimeter.
05-20-03, 06:02 PM
Snake shed will stretch, and even more so if the humidity is high during shed... It is a VERY unaccurate way of measuring...
05-20-03, 06:02 PM
Check out this link ;)
Chris Steele
05-20-03, 06:04 PM
do you hold it, and make the snake straight. wouldnt that make it mad??
how many inches off would you think a shed from a 2.5ft snake would be??
Chris Steele
05-20-03, 06:07 PM
Thanks for helping, all three of you, do you realize that you all answered my question within, 3 minutes lol. Thats why i like ssnakess so much
Gregg M
05-20-03, 07:49 PM
Another way is to get a piece of cheap plexi-glass, put the snake on a flat serface, put the plexi-glass on top of the snake and use a marker to trace a line down the center of the snake from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail...... Now you get a piece of rope or string and follow the line you just drew on the plexi...... Measure the rope or string and that is how long your snake is.......
05-20-03, 08:02 PM
get a yard stick and if the snake is under three feet just stretch it out straight against it the stick thats what i do they get a little angry but not that much use measury tape if it longer then 3ft thought its a little harder.
snakes can stretch and contract, i've found the yardstick method to be in acurate at best.
Chris Steele
05-20-03, 08:28 PM
well i dont really want to get it angry. I think I will do greggs method if I cant get a good enuf pic for the program
05-20-03, 08:36 PM
I usually just run a nylon string, put one end at the nose then run it down the center a bit at a time till I get to the tail.
I let them believe it or not just crawl down the baseboard of a wall when they are on the floor(boa's will strech out strait and true).they seem to like to follow the wall I just keep a tape handy and it usally is pretty close to within an inch or so.
hip, that baseboard thing is very clever!
Chris Steele
05-21-03, 03:26 PM
yeah it is, i wouldnt have thought of it even though ive saw my snakes do it before, lol
05-21-03, 04:12 PM
Go to a sewing store a pick up one of the "tapes" used for measuring by a seamstress/tailor etc. They can bend whatever way the snake will (just like string). If you start at the head holding the tape & let the snake & it "run" through your hands works good & is accurate. Same idea as the "string" method, but you don't have to measure it after, but just read the "tape" Mark I.
Gregg M
05-21-03, 06:39 PM
Oh sometimes I forget not everyone keeps hots.... LOL...... The method I wrote down is a good way to measure venomous...... The plexi works as a shield so I dont get close to the sharp end of the snake...... But it works the same for non vens.........
05-21-03, 06:54 PM
I would just suggest getting the link provided. The program is called Snake Measurer(I wonder why?). It is very accurate from what I can tell.
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