View Full Version : Substrate Heater vs Heat Lamp

06-18-02, 01:23 PM
I just had yet another quick question about heaters. My room stays fairly warm around 74-76 during the summer months and around 70 during the winter months. When I have the lamp on the cool area of the terrarium is around 80 but with the substrate heater on it's right around 76. Should I still use the lamp or just use it during the cooler winter months? Thanks for the help.

06-18-02, 02:57 PM
what sort of animal is in the tank
Joe & Melissa

06-18-02, 03:51 PM
Cali King snake

06-18-02, 04:13 PM
as long as your hot spot is around 85 you dont need any lights
if you want light on the tank so you can see the snake better get a florecent there about $10 bucks at wal-mart
Joe & Melissa

06-18-02, 10:38 PM
Hey Jotun
Kings dont require alot of heat lighting .
Like Joe and Melissa said use flouresent lights for viewing and substrate heating for takeing care of the snakes needs.
I have heat lite's for day and i dont use any night time heat source in the summer just in the winter do i use heat pads.
Phil ;)