View Full Version : cleaning

05-20-03, 10:08 AM
My sis hased a old caages some heating stuff and a driftwood stick that she dosent need and will give to me, but theres only one problem the animal that was using that stuff died. I dont know how but i think it over heated cuz my sister had the heat lamp on 24\7{remember i live in sunny california}so that what i think. But my question is how do I go with cleaning the cage, bowl,and driftwood.

Thanks ,killaclown:confused:

05-20-03, 01:46 PM
take a bucket and fill it up with water and place bleach in it and put all the loose stuff in it.

Now for the cage make a 1/10 bleach/water mix and spray the whole cage and let it sit for a few min then wipe it all down after that take some antibacterial soap and water and scrub like there is no tomarow then rince and rince and rince and when you think you rinced enugh rince again.

do the same to all the loose stuff (not the heating stuff) and after let it all dry out.

in a day or so it will be ready to set up.

have fun LOL

05-20-03, 02:31 PM
Thanks man