View Full Version : TARAS Spring Show and Sale Pictures

Greg West
05-19-03, 09:35 PM
Well I got the pics resized and renamed, so here they are. The show didn't seem to be as busy as last year in terms of foot traffic in my opinion, but it was a great show and I got to meet quite a few people that I had met on the forums, but not in person. I will add some comments to some of the pics, but with a lot of the snake pics, I am not a snake person, so I don't remember what they were.


Early on Saturday morning. It did get more busier than this but this was what it looked like most of the day.
http://www.cornelsworld.com/spring/1.jpg <br>
http://www.cornelsworld.com/spring/3.jpg <br>
http://www.cornelsworld.com/spring/4.jpg <br>
http://www.cornelsworld.com/spring/5.jpg <br>
http://www.cornelsworld.com/spring/6.jpg <br>
http://www.cornelsworld.com/spring/7.jpg <br>
http://www.cornelsworld.com/spring/8.jpg <br>
http://www.cornelsworld.com/spring/9.jpg <br>
Netts Emerald Tree Boa
reticguys retic on display
http://www.cornelsworld.com/spring/20.jpg<br> like snakes, but I thougt this one looked pretty cool
Darwins Oasis snakes. I dont
Big Dans Sunburst Dragon
The cage finally done and set-up
The cabinet I have been working on
The electrical setup for the cage I have been working on
My new baby bearded dragon Sheamus getting a bath
My male bearded dragon
My male bearded dragon
My Bearded Dragons Temporary Home
baby Jackson Chameleon form Alex Thomson

05-19-03, 09:43 PM
Awsome, I was wondering if anyone took some pics. That sure was a good show. I was looking at your cages there Greg, how many gallons is the really large one that had all the beardies in it?


Chris Steele
05-19-03, 09:49 PM
what type of snake is that below where it says: Darwins Oasis snakes. I dont

BTW, looked like at great show

Greg West
05-19-03, 09:57 PM
It would be about 340 gallons. I don't remember what the name of that snake was.

Greg West

Tim and Julie B
05-19-03, 10:00 PM
that's an Albino Nelson's milk snake! It is good to see there is like three pics of me and Gary D. talking. :D I hope Rob will post pics also. It was a fun show and I got to meet so many good people. My only regret is buying snakes for my friends. I could have bought Greg's wicked cage for $300! I have no idea what I would put in it but dahm is it sweet. I also completely forgot to buy supplies also. I came home with no frozen rodents. But I did get some nice stuff though!:D-Tim

05-19-03, 10:14 PM
Looks like a great show! :) I'm really hoping to make it to the fall show... can't wait!

05-19-03, 10:21 PM
Btw Greg, your new beardie looks awesome! :D Who did you get him from....

Greg West
05-19-03, 10:49 PM
I got the bearded dragon from Mouseman. They are I believe Red Flame/ Midnight Wraith cross - They have totally black eyes. They were selling for way too cheap to not get one. The picture is probably a bit more red that she/he usually shows, but i thought the picture looked pretty cool

Greg West

05-19-03, 11:23 PM
Great pics! Thanks for sharing... :)

05-20-03, 02:32 AM
Wow, looks like a great show, i wish i could be there. Those tanks look pretty impressive, great job, Greg!

Big Mike
05-20-03, 08:05 AM
Great pic Greg.

I also picked up one of those Red Flame / Midnight Wraith beardies along with another one which is really yellow. I'll try to get some pics soon.

05-20-03, 02:42 PM
Well I was glad to see that one of my snakes made it into the pics. At least it was the right one, being the "Crown Jewel" of N. American Colubrids. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, the big black snake with the "wetones" in the pic is mine & Kyle's (Kunimoto Reptiles) male Eastern Indigo. He looks small in the pic, but is about 7-8 feet long & is quite thick. He studded a clutch of 14 eggs this year & they are just past 1/2 way in incubation (touch wood), so we are very excited about the pair. Anyhow it was a great show & for those of you who missed it: "Sucks to be you" LOL THX TARAS Mark IsBell - GONE SNAKEE!