View Full Version : A couple pics

Corey Woods
05-19-03, 06:57 PM
I've been behind in my picture posting lately. Lots of things going on.......enjoy the pics!

I got 2 clutches of het pieds today (Pied x Normals). One clutch of 9 eggs and one clutch of 8 eggs.....100% fertility!!

First clutch of 9 eggs

<img src="http://coreywoods.com/Pied/Het%20Pieds%20(9)%206808.JPG">

<img src="http://coreywoods.com/Pied/Het%20Pieds%206810.JPG">

Second clutch of 8 eggs

<img src="http://coreywoods.com/Pied/Het%20Pieds%20(8)%206815.JPG">

<img src="http://coreywoods.com/Pied/Het%20Pieds%20(8)%206822.JPG">

Back in 2001 I breed my Pastel male to my Orange Ghost female. Out of the clutch of 5 eggs I produced 1.1 Pastels het Orange Ghost as well as 3.0 het Orange Ghosts. This year I was able to breed the Pastel het Ghost male back to his Orange Ghost mother. I could feel 5 "eggs" in her....unfortunately only 2 were fertile......so, here's hoping that atleast 1 of those 2 is a Pastel Ghost.

<img src="http://coreywoods.com/PastelxGhost/Orange%20Ghost%20x%20Pastel%20het%20Ghost%206788.J PG">

<img src="http://coreywoods.com/PastelxGhost/Orange%20Ghost%20x%20Pastel%20het%20Ghost%206791.J PG">

<img src="http://coreywoods.com/PastelxGhost/Orange%20Ghost%20x%20Pastel%20het%20Ghost%206798.J PG">

I also have an Orange Ghost male (same mother but different father as the Orange Ghost female pictured above) which I only bred to normal females this season (and a couple burgandy hypos). This was my first ball clutch of the season......9 fertile eggs.....100% fertility.

<img src="http://coreywoods.com/OrangeGhosts/Het%20Orange%20Ghosts%206690.JPG">

<img src="http://coreywoods.com/OrangeGhosts/Het%20Orange%20Ghost%206705.JPG">

<img src="http://coreywoods.com/OrangeGhosts/Het%20Orange%20Ghosts%206710.JPG">


05-19-03, 07:15 PM
good luck

05-19-03, 07:54 PM
Very nice Corey, Congrats!! Enjoy it!

05-19-03, 08:20 PM
congrats Corey and good luck with those!!! Keep us posted!!!

05-19-03, 08:56 PM
Great stuff, good luck!!

05-19-03, 10:17 PM
WOW nice i hope you get a good hatch rate!

05-20-03, 05:19 PM
Congrats Corey very nice :) :)

05-20-03, 08:52 PM
Must be nice!!! Good luck!