View Full Version : My Chams

05-19-03, 04:06 AM

It's my first time on this forum. I live in Spain, and i would like to show you my chameleons under the spanish sun.


This is a young Calyp male (7 old month)


The female calyp, also young (9 month)


Dilepis female (WC +- 12 month)

And the jewell of my garden:


A young male 2.5 mont Furcifer Pardalis Nosy be, born in Spain

Sorry for my english, but I'm spanish so it`s dificult for me.


Toņo el espaņolito :)

05-19-03, 06:33 AM
Hola Espaņolito! :D Let me be the first to welcome you to sSNAKESs.com. As always, it's great to have more chameleon owners on this site, and particularly from other parts of the globe.

You have some nice animals there and quite a varied collection! They all look very healthy, you've done a great job with them. As you live in Spain, do they live outdoors permanently? The C. dilepis looks quite chubby, is she possibly gravid?

I'm looking forward to talking to you soon, your English is fine. A lot better than my Spanish!



05-19-03, 11:13 AM
Hola Trace,

Thanks for compliments.

They donīt live the whole year outdoors, nowadays I put them in his room at night, there is one month ago they spent all day out under the sun. From June to October they are day and night outdoors, with a misting system for better humidity and temp.

On Friday I takes the female Ch. Dilepis to the vet., because I think she was gravid. The vet. did some X-ray, but she is fat not gravid.



05-19-03, 11:49 AM

Welcome to the forum! Great looking male veiled! Your Dilepis does look fat, maybe she is just big boned!LOL They realy do love being outside in the sun, I am moving my panthers outside very soon for the summer. BTW your English is fine, don't worry!


05-19-03, 12:30 PM
Welcome to the forum Espa (n with i little wierd wave above it, really should learn how to do that) olito. You got some great looking chams there. Hope you have fun here :D

05-19-03, 02:41 PM
Welcome to the forum! :) You've got some great looking chams there!