View Full Version : Hog Island

05-17-03, 03:00 PM
hello, I've got a few questions about Hog island Boa's, and any help would be greatly appreciated.

What are some of the specific care requirements? (exact temps, humidity levels etc.)

What are their temperments like?


How much should i be expecting to pay for one?

Thanks in advance

05-17-03, 03:32 PM



Hope those help!

05-17-03, 04:25 PM
Great links Zoe, Thanks! that cleared everythign up for me, now does any one know how much these snakes cost, as im really looking into buying one.

05-17-03, 05:46 PM
Between $325 and $350. I bought a pair from Mike Vince in December and I was happy with him every step of the way and the snakes are awsome!
Here is Mike's web site, http://www3.sympatico.ca/michael.vince

05-19-03, 08:36 AM
i would love to have a hog island i think their sooo pritty your very lucky

05-23-03, 01:32 AM
Just thought I'd drop a website for everyone. www.pmherps.com

He has baby Hogg Island boas for sale...they were born in April and are BEAUTIFUL. I have purchased one and waiting for his arrival. He needs to eat 2 more times though before he gets shipped out. Once on the home page..scroll down to Currently Available..then the 4th link down takes you to the pics of the babies.


05-24-03, 10:31 PM
get 2 so you can breed them because i think they give birth live

05-25-03, 12:29 AM
killa im a juggalo too but what the hell does get 2 they give birth live have to do with it ?
there are only a select few boas that lay eggs the rest are live bearers

05-25-03, 12:22 PM
Im just saying they go for 350 a pop if you get a breeding couple you can sell the babys. I didnt say get to or you a sorry loser, I just mad a suggestions dont trip now!! That goes with all boas i cant wait till i get mine so i can breed them

05-26-03, 02:51 PM
Hog Isles have pretty much the same requirements as most of the other localities of BCI. I find mine do well with humidity around 55% or so and a temperature gradient of 78/80 - 90 degrees. Hogs can have variable temperaments but for the most part tend to be pretty easy going, however they all seem to share the same killer feeding response. When they are in the cage they have food on the brain, and they stay in feeding mode for longer than most other snakes seem to.

05-26-03, 10:38 PM
couldnt really swing the $400 bucks for two of them. I tried to talk a friend into getting one so we can breed, but he wants a Tiger retic or African rock..personally I think he is nuts. Not that I dont love the way retics/rocks look, and wouldn't mind owning one, but darn all my bedrooms are taken up already..lol