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05-16-03, 11:02 PM
Well, at least once a year I make the 1.5 hour trip out to the Snake Dens Of Narcisse and I'm never disappointed. Today was no different.

For those of you who don't know, over 10'000 garter snakes migrate to this spot in April and May to participate in a mass breeding frenzy. I'll share a few of the pics from our trip with all of you kind folks....

Here is the sign they have out front of the park. A very fine looking sign indeed!

Here is an overview of one of the 4 pits...

And a similar shot...

Here's a shotty attempt at a decent close-up shot at a breeding cluster, if that's what they are even called...

This one is a bit strange. If you look closely, you can see that the entire snout of this poor snake has been removed somehow. I didn’t get to see the other side of his face but the side that you can see here had no eye. The whole wound seems to have healed over pretty well but I can't imagine this snake surviving too long in the wild...

And finally, a pretty cool statue of a pair of Garters hanging out on top of a rock pile...

There weren't nearly as many snakes in the pits today as there usually is. I guess it is getting late in the breeding season and most of them are done all of their "business transactions".

Anyway, here's one more of my son Tyger holding a snake he caught all by him self... He's a natural!

Thanks for looking! If you're ever in Manitoba in the spring or fall, you really need to check this place out. It's the largest natural collection of snakes in the world... or at least that's what they tell me. :)

05-16-03, 11:16 PM
Very cool!!! What an interesting place to visit! It's nice to see that the provincial government (I'm assuming anyways) has got these areas set aside for the reptiles.

Crickey! You've got a mini crocodile hunter on your hands with Tyler. He looks like he had a lot of fun today.

Thanks for sharing! :D


05-17-03, 07:02 AM
great stuff, i have always wondered what it would be like to see that. amazing photos, how long did you stay?

05-17-03, 09:22 AM
We were there all afternoon. I would have stayed longer but I needed to be somewhere for 5:00 :)

05-17-03, 09:58 AM
Wow, I envy you the experience! Garters were my first love in the snake world and I still enjoy them. I also envy you your adorable little Tyger getting right in there and catching a snake. Most of my family and friends just don't understand my hobby at all. Thank goodness for the internet and snakess.com so I can share experiences like yours.

05-17-03, 06:43 PM
i understand eyespy, my aunt is deathly afriad of anything with scales! my parents on the other hand are totlly supportive, they bought my brother and i 2 ball pythons last saturday.

06-03-03, 03:41 AM
That last picture has got to be the cutest thing i have seen in a long time! Wow...i really have got to make it to that place sometime. I love garters :D

06-03-03, 04:52 AM
Wow, that really was awesome! That is a lot of snakes..wow!! And I must say, that last picture is so cute!

06-03-03, 08:02 AM
Superb! Now I definately have to make a trip to Manitoba! lol

06-03-03, 08:46 AM
very nice!
ive always wanted to make the trip to see Narcisse, one day I will!

great post

06-03-03, 08:52 AM
Wow...that looks like a really neat place.

Your son looks like he was having a blast too.

Tim and Julie B
06-03-03, 08:59 AM
Gotta love seeing a park dedicated to snakes. That is truly amazing! What a cool place. Thank you for sharing a truly wonderful part of Canada.

06-04-03, 04:23 PM
Totally kool I wish there was a place like that around here!!!