View Full Version : New Hognose

05-16-03, 09:30 PM
Just picked up this guy. I just love 'em! Southern hognose.

05-16-03, 09:54 PM
Handsome fellow, and you don't see people owning southerns very often.

05-16-03, 10:15 PM
Very nice looking hognose!! They are cool little snakes i like the colour's on him/her i have a pair of Westerns and they are just great :)


Simon R. Sansom
05-17-03, 05:27 AM
Nice-looking simus, Mark!
Are they difficult feeders?


05-17-03, 06:37 AM
They are notorious toad eaters, Simon. I've had them before from egg to egg and feeding on rodents, but the jury is still out on whether it's a good idea. Anyway, since I just got this guy (hoping to pair him up) we'll have to see. I would like to get him on f/t toads as soon as I can. He's supposedly taken a toad this week. So as I said, we'll see. Thanks for your interest in these cool little guys. Another of FL.'s snakes I am very interested in working with. I 'll keep you posted.

05-17-03, 09:20 PM
He's a beauty, good luck with him! I love the lok of Southerns and Easterns, but I'm a little too timid about their feeding habits to try one. For now, anyway. Maybe when I'm out of school and have more time.

- Victoria :w

05-18-03, 12:48 PM
Hello Crimson,
You sure get around! I have to admit I'm astonished at the growth of herp interest since I was a kid ... and access!! Holy Dinah! If there where four books in the school library and two mentioned hognose snakes THAT was big time. And meeting someone with similar interest happend once in 30 years. Now, YOU get a cool snake and thousands of miles away you show it to me. Like your snake ... this is awesome!

05-18-03, 02:12 PM
Ha ha! Michael, you are dead on! In the library at my school was one little field guide, and I hogged it all year. Checking and re-checking it out. At the public library, there was Ditmar's books, and of course (thankfully) Snakes and Snake Hunting by Kauffeld. Same story there.I hogged those too. In fact I just bought an original of it from B&N for $8. It was like meeting an old friend! I actually started a herp club in junior high with a teacher who had interests (and wanted to find MY spots!) Once it was started, there was an amazing interest from students. We'd bring in stuff to school, go on field trips, etc. It was great. I had a pair of Cal. kings at the time, (early 70's) and no one here in FL. had ever seen anything like 'em. "If you build it, they will come"

05-18-03, 05:28 PM
Sorry, I'm having some trouble logging in and staying in ... or timing out. Anyway, I see that we have the same taste in good books. I have Kaufelds' Snakes & Snake Hunting as well as Dimars' books beside me now. I suppose I should'nt be suprised that we were reading them at the same time 'cause, THEY'RE THE ONLY BOOKS THAT EXISTED back then! But like you I had to buy Reptiles of the World (last fall) for old times sake. I must'nt forget to mention Karl P Schmidts Field Guide as well. This very important because it had ... colour photos!!!
Well, I was going to photo my young taxispilotas outside in the sunshine today but we're having a thunder/hail/snow storm right now that's tearing my pond and bog plants to shreds. Gotta go and shake the ice off the big leaved plants.
Good hunting "old man",