View Full Version : 2 of my cages.

05-16-03, 03:28 PM
This is my Leopard Gecko colonies tank. It looks a little different now i have removed the big log and replaced it with a cool tree will have new pics shortly i hope.


This is my snake cage it looks a little different now also, cause i had to do some rearranging for the nesting box to fit. And my female corn should be laying any day now

If any one has any more tips on how to make them look a little more natural let me know.

The only thing is i don't like to use sand in my leo cage cause one of my girls likes to eat it and it has cause her impactation in the past.

05-16-03, 03:37 PM
they're really really cool!!!! its good how busy they r, that the herps hav got lots of places 2 hide in. sorry 2 say this but i dont like it when people say 'cages' it sounds cruel, is this just me? i prefer tanks or enclosers. lol no wot i mean?

05-16-03, 03:42 PM
are those live plants/

05-16-03, 03:50 PM
ya i agree with you i don't like the word cage but thats what these are when i have enough money to buy from jworlds.net thats when i will call them encloseres lol cause the enclosures from there are absolutly beautiful. and they appear more natural.

xetox- no they are not, they are completely fake.lol. i just played around with them for a long lime to make them appear a little better. and it truely brings out the plants with the background i have.

05-16-03, 04:16 PM
Very nice good job with the work you have done on that enclosure :)