View Full Version : Childrens Hatchling pics

05-16-03, 03:02 PM
I know you have all been waiting to see a pic of baby Children's from someone so heres a couple pics of the first one hatched (Tuesday 13th). I wanted to get some good pics of them pipping etc. but they wouldn't co-operate. This one hatched the 13th & none of the others even pipped. The next day (Wed 14th) at noon 3 (clutch was 11) more had pipped, but that was it. That night at midnight the 2nd one had hatched & the 5th egg pipped. Thursday (15th) at noon the 3 that had pipped, had hatched, but the remaining 6 eggs had still not pipped. I was getting that impatient I need to do something feeling at this point. I'm glad I left them be because over the next 12 hours the remaining 6 all pipped on their own. Today at noon 2 more had emerged, but the other 4 are still hiding out. I'm a little worried about the one though (last one pipped) it only had a tiny slit & I think I may have goofed by not helping it. I made its "slit" bigger today, but I think the poor little one may not be alive in there anymore? I will find out later I guess. I hate it when eggs don't all hatch at once. The decision of "to intravene or not" is a hard call to make. The last 6 eggs were all much larger & lower in the clutch than the first 5 & the smallest most shrivelled out egg on top was the first guy out so they must have been slightly staggered in their development stages. The heat source was above so the top eggs would have been slightly warmer also. Anyhow enough babbling & heres a couple pics of "Tuesday" my first ever Pyhton produced. WOO HOO Mark I. :D
<center><img src="http://members.shaw.ca/gonesnakee/CPBABYTUES1.JPG"width="600">

<center><img src="http://members.shaw.ca/gonesnakee/CPBABYTUES2.JPG"width="600">

05-16-03, 03:21 PM
Well folks after typing this post I had to look again, afterall it had been 5 hours since I last checked. 3/4 of the remainder all hatched out healthy, but I'm having serious doubts about #11. I'll check later tonight, but I don't think I'll be happy. 10/11 ain't bad for the first go anyhow. Fingers still crossed for #11 but I'm 99% sure I goofed by not assisting it DOH! It was at least 75 hours between the first & last hatched, what a wait! Mark I.
P.S. The weird thing is that I only prepared 10 spots for them on Tuesday, did I Hex the poor little one? :confused:

05-16-03, 03:25 PM
Congrates....Great pics,
Good luck with number eleven.

05-16-03, 03:25 PM
oh my gosh!!! they are tiny and soooo cute!!!! really the best of luck with the other babies, hope they hatch soon.

05-16-03, 07:17 PM
How adorable!!! :D Congrats on your first babies!

05-16-03, 08:09 PM
They're so tiny and cute!!!

05-18-03, 04:26 PM
YAY! Children's Pythons are my favourite. :)


05-18-03, 09:59 PM
awwww cute ! :)
Congrats ! :)

05-18-03, 10:20 PM
Woah man awesome! You selling them? Cool pics, good luck with #11.

05-19-03, 12:50 AM
#11 R.I.P. - Mark

05-19-03, 09:17 AM
Congrats bud!!

Simon R. Sansom
05-19-03, 09:20 PM
Nice going, Mark. Congrats!
Mine should be hatching early next month.
Feels pretty good, doesn't it?!

Well done.


05-24-03, 12:28 PM
The story behind #11 in case anyones into details is the poor little one had made a small pip & then pulled itself (its head that is) back into its coils where it became "lost". The poor little one had its mouth wide open & was locked in a "deathgrip" on one of its own coils trying to push it's head back up. I have a feeling that I'm somewhat responsible, probably scaring the little one back "in" causing its grief. I say this because talking to another friend/breeder he has had similar experiences where he has seen babies with their heads out completley when he looked & then they were scared back "in" & for him to check later & find them "drowned" back in their eggs. Something to think about while checking for hatchlings anyway. Mark I. :(

Tim and Julie B
05-24-03, 12:39 PM
That's awsome about the first ten! It is a good feeling to hatch out a clutch. Especailly with such good results. I wouldn't let the last one bother you though (easy for me to say) sometimes everything can not work out perfect. Congrads though Mark!

05-24-03, 12:40 PM
:eek: :O THOSE ARE ADORABLE!! so cute and tiny...congrats on them man!! They are amazing!

05-25-03, 01:25 PM
Thought Id share.....;)

1st Clutch 100% hatch rate...


2nd Clutch 99% hatch rate....


Still lots in the incubator...:D

05-27-03, 08:01 PM
CUTE i love childrens!!! they shure are little when they poke out. I had the chance to se a couple in the wild in austraila but never knew they were that little to begin with. Congrats, hope they all pull through!

Lucas out

05-27-03, 08:10 PM
WIll you be selling any of the babies? If so, how much and it what funds? Will you ship to US. Anyway, SWEEEET! 100-99% success rate, thats awesome man major congrats on that one.

05-27-03, 09:34 PM
All my prices are on my website and there is also a currency calculator on my home page so US people can figure out what the prices are in US funds;)

I am still in the process of getting my import/export papers ,but they should be in place by the time my lil ones are ready to go:D

05-30-03, 11:16 AM
Woah now, those are SWEEEEEEEEEET, How long does it take for them to mature? Im reconsidering the Irian Jaya and thinking of getting 2.2 of these or a spotty for a first time breeding project...Cant find a care sheet on Childrens cept for that one with the crappy green backround...Thanks for the info!