View Full Version : housing a corn snake
05-15-03, 08:10 PM
I've had my corn for just over a year, i got him at a few months old, I feed hiim regularly (around once a week, more often when i first got him) but he's still relatively small (maybe 2.5 feet) so I'm not insanely concerned about the size of his current enclosure (20 gallon long) he seems to do well in it and gets a good amount of out time to crawl around between my hands and my boyfriend's hands. I'm curious what everyone else keeps theirs in, I have a 30 gallon tank that will be free in a month or two and I plan on moving him into that. But since until really recently I haven't considered joining a forum I hadn't found anyone to ask about what they do with their corns. (no one around me seems to like them much although I don't understand why) So any input would be fabulous
05-15-03, 08:25 PM
generally, a large enclosure is good for most snakes, they like to crawl around. but i wouldn't worry about it. i keep mine in about the same things, but i breed snakes. as long as he/she can stretch out along two of the sides. this is just my opinion.
i have a 5 foot corn i jeep in a 40 gallon, i keep the rest in a shelf system
05-15-03, 08:34 PM
We keep our adults in 40 gallon wide tanks (3' long by 18" wide) or in rubbermaid tubs that are about the same size. We are in the process of making a rack for the individual rubbermaid tubs. Each snake has their own tank. Younger snakes are either in 10 gallon tanks or they are in rubbermaid tubs depending on whether they are in the quarantine room. While having more room means you can put more decorations and interesting stuff in the tank, the minimum requirement is that the length plus width of the tank is longer than the length of the snake. We try to give a bigger space than this.
Hope you can post some photos of your corn. What color is it and other details are welcome. Hope you enjoy this site - there are lots of pictures on previous posting and lots of good info on corns here,
mary v.
05-15-03, 09:33 PM
I wanted to post a pic, but I couldn't figure out how, I noticed that some people have pics under their username, how do you do that?? I looked around, but didn't figure that out either.
anyway, as soon as i can do it I'll post pics, i only have a few so far. Rory is a male amelanistic corn, I bought him from Serpinco, he's my first snake, and I'm worried I'm not doing the right things. I really like him tho...
so yea, if anyone can tell me how to post pics i would love to:)
05-15-03, 09:38 PM
here is a picture of my snake fredC:\Documents and Settings\austin\My Documents\My Pictures\snake pics\edited fred.jpg
05-15-03, 09:39 PM
haha i tried, sorry i dont know how to either...
05-15-03, 10:36 PM
If you go to the 'How to" Forum there are instructions for uploading pictures from your computer into your gallery on this website (every member gets some free photo space) and then you can link to them in your posts. Just read through the instructions there - hope that will make it clear. Looking forward to seeing your Serpenco corn - they are some of the nicest.
mary v.
I keep my corn in a 10 gallon with aspen shavings. He's not even a year old yet and it fits him with room to spare :)
I keep mine in rubbermaids that are approx. 3-36 long by 17 wide, 6-7 inches high. Although I am going to try and move the larger more active males into larger housing this summer.
05-16-03, 12:49 AM
My first snake was a corn and it spent his hole life(until i sold him)in a 20 gallon.
05-16-03, 07:36 AM
I keep mine in a 40 gal. breeder they have had it since day 1 and they love it i will try to post a pic but if it doesn't work i have a pic uploaded to my members gallary. I also try to provide them with the most natural environment i possibly can. Even though you do not have to.
05-16-03, 08:17 AM
ok i think I've got it, this is my corn, Rory:
05-16-03, 12:47 PM
Yep, you got it. What a nice amel - looks like he has a bit of zig-zag in his pattern too. Does he have a couple clear scales on top of his head? One of my girls has that and another list member mentioned that they had seen it in amels before. Mine is about 2 years old and still has the clear spots, but doesn't seem to have any effect.
Glad to see the photo and hope you will continue to enjoy the site.
mary v.
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