View Full Version : Tailless Whip Scorpion

Hamster of Borg
05-14-03, 11:40 PM
When people think about inverts for some reason many people only consider tarantulas and scorpions to be really the ones kept as pets. Well, here's something a little different and makes a really cool pet. :)



Tim and Julie B
05-14-03, 11:53 PM
I've got one too. I almost successfully breed them. She laid her eggs somewhere but I couldn't find them. I am going to try again one day but it is expensive since the male is usually dinner. They are more like a mantis then a scorp. Very interesting species. One of my favorites.:DTim.

05-15-03, 06:53 AM
wow, thats a sweet pic!
so, can they still sting?

05-15-03, 07:15 AM
Beautifull Whip sorpion. I can't find any around the Toronto area.

Hamster of Borg
05-15-03, 11:54 AM
Nope, they have no stinger or venom... they're not really scorpions - that is just a misleading common name. The more appropriate name for them is amblypigid.

Mine is a male... I'm hoping to come across a female at some point, but most of the ones I've seen for sale were in horrible shape. Looked like someone took a weed whacker to them. :p


Tim and Julie B
05-15-03, 11:58 AM
Don't worry if they are missing legs. They grow back faster them a T. Within one shed! Look at the barbs at the end of the arms. Ouch! How do you sex them?

Hamster of Borg
05-15-03, 07:27 PM
The males have short pedipalps, the females have long ones. Female's almost stick out past the "knees" of the first set of legs.


Hamster of Borg
05-16-03, 10:21 AM
Doh... time to slap my sources. I decided to do some checking on my own and it turns out that females have the shorter palps and the males are longer and more intricately spined in all species. :)

So I guess mine's a female... lucky I picked an androgenous name.


05-16-03, 04:08 PM
Another arachnid that shouldn't be missed out on is the Vinigaroon, or (tailed) whipscorpion. Very neat! Those things are funky...
dan conner

05-28-03, 10:08 AM
looks kinda like a roach.