View Full Version : A man's dog!

05-14-03, 12:40 PM
Now this (http://www.msnbc.com/news/904131.asp?vts=042320031000) is a mans dog!

05-14-03, 12:42 PM
Thats one serious story man, thanks for sharing :)

05-14-03, 01:29 PM
Poor puppy! How awful. It's too bad the cop didn't shoot the dog properly else it wouldn't have stayed alive. Poor thing. I hope he's gonna be alright.

05-14-03, 01:53 PM

I had a jack russel that was:

1. Run over by a car
2. Run over by a dirt bike
3. Run over by a snow mobile
4. Shot (Mistaken as a rabbit)
5. Shot (Mistaken as a dear)
6. Chewed up (on the receiving end of a big bouviaer)
7. Quilled to many times to count
8. Debowled by some forest dewling animal

Stuffed the innards back in, stitched him up and off he went

Last I heard he is doing great! living on a farm in Bancroft


05-14-03, 02:05 PM
Wow... how could you let all that happen to your dog??

05-14-03, 02:26 PM

Believe me when i tell ya, it wasent easy.The hardest part was jabbing that porcupine into his nose. Tossing the animal under moving vehicals is a breese (timming is everything), It took alot of effort dressing it up as a white tailed deer and easy as a rabbit (Must be hunting season for this to work). I am actually not sure how it got debowled as I was not there, but I think rubbing a salmon its stomach, then placing it beside a grizzzly could have somthing to do with it.

Thats how Zoe


05-14-03, 02:30 PM
thanks that was soo cool yey cruel but a least he lived in the end.

05-14-03, 02:30 PM
Geez asphyxia...no offense but you must be very careless with your dog to let that happen and no offence again but your dog must be really dumb to of made that happen!! Lol :p

05-14-03, 02:39 PM

Yea, were quite the team.

05-14-03, 02:53 PM
LOL asphyxia, thats one tought dog you got there, and i would like to congratulate you for being able to dress up your dog liek a white-tailed deer :p that must have taken quite a lot of work :D lol!

05-14-03, 03:38 PM
OMG, all I can say is WOW!

05-14-03, 06:55 PM
Get this man some crack or somethin', I WANT MORE!!! lol

05-14-03, 07:30 PM
wow, that "is" a miracle dog. Poor thing!! And that police man sounds like he enjoys his job too much!! If the dog only had head trauma and it was only her ear and eye, what a dork!! Sounds like he was just trigger happy. :(

05-15-03, 05:48 AM
I don't think that it is fair to call Asphixia careless because of what hapened to his dog. Many many people have dogs on farms or cottages, where they just run free. There is often times nothing that can be done about it. My Jack russel has been poked in the face several time by a porcupine at my cottage, and I do not think it has anything to do with my being careless.

I would think that being careless would be more like getting stuck buck naked in a pond, and having to get my neighbour to help me out.
:D :eek:

05-15-03, 09:18 AM
That's crazy.
Our lab has been his 3 times, I think... back when we lived in the country we just let her run free. (She's not the smartest dog.)

05-15-03, 11:52 AM
seems 90% of dogs are not the smartest dogs ;) Don't get me wrong I love dogs but they are, for the most part, DUMB :)

05-15-03, 12:23 PM
Emily do you really think the dog LET that happen?

05-15-03, 01:11 PM
lol, I had a friend who's weinerdog just loved rattlesnakes an I can remember at least 7 seperate incidents. Lil thing would swell up (on occassion)so the feet couldn't touch the ground or it's head would swell so large it couldn't hold it up. Some dogs may be like some humans just plain masochistic lol