05-13-03, 08:11 PM
hey all! This is my second enclosure ever building. Me and my friend Tyler are in the process of building a 4x2x3 foot IJCP habitat. We have all the plans drawn and a hide box finished. The cage will have two 5x5 inch vents on the top corners with a 75 watt heat bulb on the bottom right hand corner. I plan on having a chondro style bar in the middle of the cage and two more making an "X" shape with little ladder type steps on it. There will be two hides. Two terrestrials on the right and left side, and two aboreals on the right and left side approx 1 1/2 to 2 feet above the ground. The cage will be spray painted glossy black (Inside and outside). The only question I really have for right now is: How can I make a sturdy aboreal hide with a top that lifts up? If my IJCP wedges itself into this hide BOX, it sometimes may be hard to get to. I was thinking I could put locking hinges on the side or something along those lines. Any ideas? And again guys, sorry for the HUGE message! :D