View Full Version : Collection Guards

05-13-03, 07:00 PM
We have the most vicious, attentive guards for our collection!

05-13-03, 07:01 PM
LOL aren't they cute sleeping on the job. :)

05-13-03, 07:05 PM
Ha! They aren't sleeping, it's a "steak out"!

05-13-03, 07:16 PM
awwwwwwww! I love pugs!! used to have one of my very own once. Sweetest things. They are like big dogs in little bodies. lol Everyone that met my koojhoe (cujo) fell in love with him. :)

05-13-03, 07:50 PM

Pugs are one of my favorite breeds :) You just can't beat those adorable faces and personality!


05-13-03, 08:32 PM
No sirloin or rib-eye dares to cross her path! If Helen of Troy had a face that launched a thousand ships, our siren (Circe) has a face that stopped a thousand bricks!:p :p :p

05-14-03, 04:30 AM
Originally posted by CraigC
our siren (Circe) has a face that stopped a thousand bricks!:p :p :p

lol, people used to tell me our pug was chasing parked cars and caught too many. :)

05-14-03, 04:41 AM
That is adorable! Pugs are my fav kind of dogs :) My friend, Chelsea, just bought a baby pug and he is SO CUTE! His name is Quasimodo.

05-14-03, 07:46 AM
Hey Emily! That's my bird's name.lol, small world. :)

05-14-03, 08:18 AM
Adorable!! :D Gotta love them... so ugly they're cute ;) Hehe...

05-14-03, 10:02 AM
Heehee, I wouldn't mess with your collection, they'd probably snuggle and slobber me half to death! :D

05-15-03, 01:59 AM
I just bought my very first dog - a little fawn puglet named Lily! I don't get to have her until mid-June, though. *pout*

- Victoria :w

05-15-03, 02:48 AM
Pugs are the greatests! We have 3 named, Asia, China and Tilly :Dhttp://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/863tilly-med.jpg http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/512/435china.jpg

05-15-03, 02:49 AM
Aww...what's wrong with her eye? Poor little puggie!

- Victoria :w

05-16-03, 04:54 AM
Victoria, hopefully it's just "goopy eye" and just needs to be wiped out. With those bug eyes, you have to be very careful with pug's eyes. They get hair, lint, dust, etc in their eyes constantly and make "goopies" (for lack of a better word). You have to be careful with their eyes because they get scratched too. The one on the right in our picture has really bug eyes and a very flat nose and she has gotten a scratch on each eye while playing. Fortunately, neither of the other two have quite as buggy eyes or as flat a nose, so no scratches on their eyes. You have to keep the folds of skin on their face clean too.

Get ready, your baby will need lots of attention from her new mommy. They are just like human babies, but never get past about a 2-year-old. I might get a little irritated sometimes when they are being bad, but then I sit down and they all pile on me to give me kisses and snuggles and, of course, snarts in the face, and the irritation just melts away.

Helena, your pugs are beautiful, that puppy is adorable. Where's the pic of the third one?

Karen (Craig's other half)