View Full Version : Selayar Golden Retic

05-13-03, 06:03 PM
Here's a pic of one of my female Selayar "Golden" retics. Pretty obvious where this locality gets its name! I have 1.2 of these, 1.1 of which were on the 2nd shipment to N. America from Herpafauna Indonesia (aka "Indoherp"), so are some of the oldest known Selayars in captivity. For those out there who are not aware, Auliya et al re-classified this locality as a unique subspecies in April 2002 (Python reticulatus saputrai). I have a copy of the publication in pdf (Adobe Acrobat) format if anyone wants to see it - e-mail me at curtisn@bennettjones.ca for a copy.

I've only had this particular girl for about 18 months, so is quite new to the collection. My male has developed an incredible orange body colouration. Hardly any grey on the flanks of this locality - very cool looking retics that reportedly (and so far in my experience) stay relatively small. Duncan MacRae at Indoherp refers to these as "semi dwarf" retics.



05-13-03, 06:08 PM
Wow, what a beautiful snake. :) By calling it a dwarf, how small are we talking?

05-13-03, 06:19 PM
Duncan reported that the locals/collectors on Selayar had yet to encounter one in excess of 3m (approx. 9-10 feet). It is guesstimated that CB females that are fed a captive-style diet may reach 12-14 feet. Sounds large, but is still less than half the size of the world record retic (a Sulawesi).


05-13-03, 08:12 PM
:cool: Nathan, that is a very beautiful retic,,, wow!!!!! Awsome pic..;)

05-13-03, 11:48 PM
wowowowowowowow NICE as hell!!! Love it!!

05-14-03, 05:38 AM
are you a breeder in Canada caus I might be doing buisnes with you in the future your animals are just remarkable.

05-14-03, 10:50 AM
Yes, I'm Canadian and I breed boids. I wouldn't go as far as to say I'm a "breeder" as this isn't a full-time job for me. Still a hobby where I aim to acquire the best of the best of each type of large snake, work with them until they're of breeding size and hope for the best from there. Definitely not a money making venture for me...what I produce and sell probably only helps me break even with my feeding and heating costs.


05-15-03, 03:21 AM
well we seam to be in the same boat where you located in Canada it is nice to see large constrictor fans I am starting to build my large constrictor collection I got my 2 boas and my regulare retic's are coming in next month later I will want a pair of rocks but all in due time I only want one burm in my collection cause I dont plan on selling burms just to many out there.

05-15-03, 03:47 AM
Ok now you are really teasing me....I WANT HER! hehe...Beautiful snake!