View Full Version : Boa breeders in U.S.???

05-13-03, 08:55 AM
Getting a boa (suriname) in the next couple weeks and wanted to know if anyone could recomend any good breeders that they've bought from???

Darren Hamill
05-16-03, 09:28 AM
Here are a few good boa dealers in the US. I haven't purchased from all of them but I know them for their quality and contribution to the boa market.

EctoThermics www.ectothermics.com
Vin Russo - I forget the addy
Bob Futo - No web site (He can be found on some boa forums)
Jeff Ronne www.theboaphile.com
Ralph Davis www.ralphdavisreptiles.com
Peter Kahl www.pkreptiles.com
Jeremy Stone www.motleyboa.com

Best of luck!

05-16-03, 09:57 AM
Hey thanks....... unfortanitly most of the animals on allot of the websites I see just aren't worth what they ask for them.... at least not to me anyway, since I don't have any plans to breed or anything like that. Most of what I see seems to be average everyday boas that are way overpriced.... I really don't care what the guys name was that hatched them, as long as there healthy and somewhat tame and parisite free.... I think I'll just see what I can pick up and the swap this weekend..... they usually have pretty nice animals, plus I get to see and handle them right there on the spot..... Maybe one day when I have and "extra" $10K (yeah right :( ) I'll go pick up a pair of albino's or something.

05-16-03, 02:45 PM
I'd pay $30,000 for a boa that was hatched.

05-16-03, 06:03 PM
Jeff Have I got a deal for you !!!!!!(yup you guessed it bought another snake and need beer money bad)I will just guess what you would do for 30 thousand grand man!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sen's are not looking too good palying the "old man's club" you better lace up for the next two Jeff(your Knuckles are needeed on the capital)I do hope they make it to the finals and go Duck hunting(I would love to see a bankrupt team(with guys playing for no pay,playing for the game, for pride)bring that cup back to its home CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


05-17-03, 06:12 AM
Vince Russo's web site addy is:

05-18-03, 02:45 PM
Man, hockey's sooooo over now. Roughriders start training camp in 1 week so its time for the boys of summer to take over!

Herrmann S. in the UK is also an awesome locality Boa breeder. He'll pull CITES as well.