View Full Version : I need help choosing a python
05-12-03, 10:44 PM
Hi I recently bought a burmese python from ron sibley and he sold it to me with a respatory problem. I knew it had something wrong with it but i couldn't wait any longer to get it so i bought it and a couple of weeks later it died. So now I am looking for a good snake to keep as a pet besides a burm or retic or ball python. Something maybe a little smaller than a burm. If you can help please send me some information.:mad:
Patrick Larsen
05-12-03, 10:54 PM
hard to say and don't want to slam, you stated no experience and a RI isn't usually fatal, but if the burm was your first it was a bad start. research, research, research!
05-12-03, 11:01 PM
I did my research and I took it to a vet a couple of weeks and she gave me some shots to give it every 3 days and i came home from school and was goin to give it its shot and my mom told me that it died. I was so suprised because it was just starting to get better. And by the way that wasnt my first snake, when i was 10 i had a columbian boa and right now i have a ball python.
05-13-03, 01:14 AM
Now I am saying this the nicest way I can think of and B4 you defend your self reread the post carefuly.
now a burm is not for every one we all know that we also know that a RI doesn't kill a burm that easaly.
If it was showing signs of geting better I have never saw a snake do a 180 twist just like that.
Now maby you were giving the shots but not keeping the temps high enugh but that doesn't sound right you would know better then that. maby you over dosed it By accident that would be belivable would'nt you say.
Or maby mom found out just how big the new baby was going to be and saw a chance to fix the problem with out looking like a bad person. That I would say would be a good guess.
But I may be way off cause I dont know you or your family and dont know if they like or dis like reptiles.
this is just a scene that is all to familiar to me that's all.
but a nice python would be a blood python but they need a load of requierment attention I personaly dont own one or ever worked with one but that seems to be the beef you will here most about them.
05-13-03, 05:11 PM
Antaresia (Childrens, Spotted), liasis (Macklots, Savu) and some morelia (Irian Jaya, JCP) are good choices. They don't get very long or heavy bodied. :)
A blood is a great pet. They are hardy if all their requirements are met. Some of the requirements (humidity being the most important) are sometimes hard to keep up with. A JCP would be a good choice.
Yeah, bloods get pretty big though, and really heavy.
Yeah they do get kind of heavy. My borneo is just over four feet long now. I haven't gotten a weight on him in a while but he is fat and happy. A full grown blood is a pretty impressive sight.
05-13-03, 09:19 PM
Dunno, maybe a Childrens or spotted in agreement with LdyDragon. Never owned one but I wanted one a while back. They seem awesome! Good luck on the search.
05-13-03, 09:23 PM
Do LOTS of research. I would suggest a children's or spotted python, an Irian Jaya Carpet, and if you don't mind boas, a Rosy boa would be good.
05-15-03, 12:15 AM
I would suggest a Children's or Spotted python. They're very docile. Can get a little snappy with their food, that's about it though. My Avatar is my Children's and she's wonderful and was my first snake. They're, as I said, very docile and very easy to take care of.
Good luck with your choice.
05-15-03, 01:14 AM
Well dont take this the wrong way but i have quite a few Burms and they don't recover from RI as fast as you were replying yours did. So either you may gave it to much of a injection or like chondro python said about other thing's he was saying. Or there was much more wrong with the Burm when you got it witch is more likely the case. What was the name of the stuff the vet gave you for the RI problem? as for what kind of python would be good like every one else said a Blood or a spotted would be a good choice good luck.
P.S alot of stuff the vet's give for this problem causes more problems the you started with always ask around before you take the first persons word for it just my 2 cents
05-15-03, 01:27 AM
Were you injecting above or below the kidneys? I've seen a burm that had an RI so bad that it was actually expelling mucus, and the owner was just treating it with heat and it was still alive.
05-15-03, 01:35 AM
Your right Trevor i totaly for got that part were you give the injection means alot if i remember right i think it should be given about a quarter the way down from the neck right? i can't remember now it has been a long time since i have had to do that
05-15-03, 08:26 AM
I think carpet would be a good snake,sounds like you want a snake that will grow bigger then just a couple feet and remian tame. Jungles have very nice colouring and so do the Irian Jayas.
I wouldn't recommend a blood,from what I've heard they sre not forgiving of husbandry errors much like a burm would be.
05-15-03, 09:07 AM
I thought you were supposed to inject into the middle third of the body into the muscle. ??
05-15-03, 10:31 AM
According to the ball python manual (p.66) " Because snakes have a renal portal system, they should be injected in the anterior (front) third of their bodies."
I can't imagine it is any different for any other boid. I'm not laying claim to the knowledge, I'm just regurgitating it from a book. I may be wrong if so I think it is important for someone to correct this info if it is inaccurate.
05-15-03, 11:08 AM
That's correct...otherwise if injected in the lower 1/3, the meds will be ejected from the body without doing anything for the snake.
05-15-03, 12:12 PM
So where does that leave us with the mid third?
05-16-03, 09:01 AM
I would imagine a blending of the two scenarios - not nearly as effective as injections in the upper 1/3 and not as ineffective as injections in the lower 1/3. In other words, some, but not all/most, of the meds would be directly ejected from the body. Just follow the vet's instructions to inject in the upper 1/3 for optimum results.
05-28-03, 08:28 PM
Well as I learned from my brief experience with Python's If you can find a 18mo or older Macklot..They are very docile and not too problem with a feeding response. If you insist on raising a hatchling " God Bless You"
06-01-03, 08:19 AM
Yes, I too would be interested to know the name of the meds given to you. I also agree with Aaron in that a blood is a bad choice at the time being.
I would go with a jungle carpet python. I have a blood and its a royal pain in ***!
Colonel SB
06-25-03, 06:41 AM
I'd go with a nice carpet python not to big not too small :D
06-25-03, 12:36 PM
For me the only Python you can take is a Carpet Python specialy Morelia variegata are a good choice they are cheap easy to care for and are mostly very tame.
06-28-03, 10:18 AM
I recommend a blood or other short-tailed python. The problems you hear about them are usually from wc ones or ones where the owner doesn't know how to care for them properly. If you get a cb one and you do lots of research and ask lots of questions then in my mind they are the perfect snake! Great eaters, great colors, not too long, not skinny and delicate etc.
Hope this helps! And sorry about your Burm :(
07-20-03, 07:54 PM
a suranim red-tail boa is a really great snake
07-27-03, 09:06 PM
IJ's and Jungles both very good choices... jungles grow to be larger then IJ's do for the most part.
Carprt pythons all the way!
07-30-03, 01:55 AM
IF this is ur first..
A blood will eat u!....LOL!...U know what i mean ;)
A burm get HUGE!!..take out a measuring tape n measure 14 FEET!
CARPETS n JUNGLES are good but alittle hard to set up
Childrens pythons r great
Ball pythons r great
spotted pythons are great
hope it helps
07-30-03, 05:49 PM
Try a nice CB baby ball python. If it's cb and from a good breeder then it will eat fine. And you will have a great animal on your hands. What ever you want. Just research until you find what you want!
07-31-03, 10:05 PM
and try getting a snake from a reputable dealer that backs up his/her snakes and has had good success.
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