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05-12-03, 06:30 AM
These are some old shots I have taken of some of my Aspidelaps.
Just thought Id share.

This is my 2 yr old male Aspidelaps lubricus infuscatus (western coral cobra)
My female Aspidelaps scutatus (Sheildnose Snake)

and last but not leasts, my pumpkin, aka female Aspidelaps lubricus, copping a tude! This is the only time she has ever hooded up for me and I had no other oppirtunity for such a pic with her so please excuse the less then favorable back ground. Even when ticked off its not avery threateing pose, is it?

Welp, Hope I havent posted these already!!


05-12-03, 06:59 AM
awww, wook at dat punnum! I love aspids. Makes ya wanna scratch his chin. Great lookin Snakes there Jeremy.

Shane Tesser
05-12-03, 07:02 AM
Those pics are great, they are both beautiful. How long have you had the female, and what is her length? :)

05-12-03, 07:29 AM
nice sheild-noses....your right, she doesnt look to intimidating where she threats
wouldnt wanna test her tough :)
great pics

05-13-03, 06:16 AM
Thanks guys! Im glad you liked the pics.

Shane, the female Coral Cobra is about 4-5 yrs old (ive got to check with my freind who I got her from to confirm) and I have had her for about 2 1/2 yrs now. As for her size, she is far and away the largest CC I have ever seen! She is maybe an inch under 3 ft(havent measured her in awhile). The largest a freind of mine in Africa has ever seen was only about 28 inches and he said that pirticular animal was gigantic! Also, if you count slugs, pumpkin has produced record size clutches twice! The largest clutch size mentioned in litature was I think 11 or 12 and she passed 15 in one laying! Then a month later she doubled clutched another 13 slugs! Being that she finnaly gave me what appear to be good eggs yesterday(I got five that look promiseing)
she will become one hell of an egg laying factory next year!! BTW, the count was 5 good eggs and 6 slugs

Matt, she really is just a darling. Truth be told, I probally could have picked her up even while hooded! I have never met such a sweet hot in my life! Shes runny of cource, being an elapid but never, ever strikes in defense. However, if you put the smell of food into the equation, well, I anit going near her!!!! She has a feeding response that rivles a kaouthia!!!

Speaking of her feeding response, just prior to laying this batch of eggs she went off feed and turned her nose up at any food I offered,(as most snakes do)but litteraly an hour after she was done, I stuck a fuzz infront of her and she gobbled it down. It has been my experince that alot of gravid snakes who have just dumped their load wont be ready to eat untill even up to a week after the experince and it was just really encourageing to see her gun ho and ready to do i again!! God I love that snake!!!

Anyway, again, glad you guys like them! Wish me luck with the eggies!!!


Gregg M
05-13-03, 07:53 AM
Hey Jeremy,
Beautiful snakes man...... And it is great to here about the eggs...... I will keep my fingers crossed for you....... I know what you mean about feeling you can pic up one of your sweetest hots....... My biggest female gaboon is such a sweet snake....... Never hisses or shows any type of threat display what so ever...... I wish I could just pick her up and cuddle her.....LOL..... But every time I feed her it reminds me of just how fast and leathal she could be........ Good luck with the eggs buddy....... How long do you have to sit on those eggs for???? It is great to see captive reproduction of any reptile........

05-14-03, 05:47 AM
Hi Greg,
Thanks for the kudos! The eggs should hatch btween 60 and 70 days after they were layed. This puts their ETA at about 2 months, maybe alittle more. Man I hope they hatch.

BTW, I definately understanmd what you mean about docile gabbies. I definatly wouldnt want to cuddle with one though!!! Though I have seen many which were just huge, uninclined slugs Ive also seen the mind boggleing feats they are capable of on one to many occasions ever to trust one. Its funny though, there was a segmant on ne of the various snake shows debuted recently were some kids found an escaped gabby and were playing with it untill the police arrived. Imagine the shock on the face of the guy who discoverd what the snake really was!!!\

Anyway, gab wit ya later,