View Full Version : pipeing/tubeing...

Grant vg
05-11-03, 01:54 AM
Has anyone experimented with pvc pipeing or what have you for underneath substrate burrowing for monitors?
it just seems like something cool to try and see how they like it.


05-11-03, 02:41 AM
Monitors make their own burrows with the right substrate. Its what they are built to do. I liken making burrows for monitors to force-feeding snakes.

They can and need to do it themselves.

05-11-03, 05:57 AM
My savs used to never borrow because I had hides everywhere.. so they never needed to borrow..

I changed my set up and left almost no where to hide and pouf.. borrows startded appearing... :)

Grant vg
05-11-03, 11:10 AM
ok sounds good guys!!