View Full Version : Gravid Boa seems constipated!!

05-10-03, 04:10 PM
Hello Everyone

I am looking for some advice/help.

I have a large female boa that is gravid approx 60 days after ovulation. So about half way through her gestation. I witnessed ovulation and she is doing typical gravid boa behaviour.

SHe has a swelling 4 to 5 inches above her vent that is pretty localized and noticable. SHe has not defacated in the last 4 to 5 weeks. I catch her on occasion straining to pass this lump. You can actually see her pushing. The area is not where the swelling is that is associated with developing babies it is right at her vent and slightly above.

I have soaked her repeatedly in warm water and gently massaged the area hoping that this would loosen it up and she could defacate. Nothing happens!

I cannot feel any hard objects like urate balls/stones but there is something there.

I have spoken to vets in my area but they seem to know less than I do. Many have said just do not worry about it. But I can see that it is painful for her, when you touch the area she pulls away. I have had other gravid females before and they have all passed urates and fecal matter while gravid though not as often as they would normally.

Am I just worrying too much. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.



05-10-03, 04:26 PM
dan first i will say you can't worry "TOO MUCH" when you care for an animals well being..second ,i have a friend who has a female boa that was gravid and the same issue occered but sure enough she did pass it ...i am not telling you to just wait it out i am simply saying what my friends situation was that sounds like yours ....if you think you want to take it to the vet (a boid specialist) then i would not hesitate to agree...
good luck with your little girl