View Full Version : Baths?

05-10-03, 01:55 PM
I have read that it is good to give your beardies warm baths every now and then, but how often? And I think the water temp should be ~95*, right? I don't want them to develope any skin probs from being too moist, but they loooove the bathtub, it's so funny to watch them swim like little alligators. I have been doing it about once a week, is that good, or should I do more? Oh yeah, and they always poop when they are ready to get out, so I think it is helping them pass sand, ( I just recently moved them from playsand to coconut husk after being told about impaction risk) cause it's gritty when I wash it out. Would 3 or 4 times a week be ok? Say ~20 minutes at a time?

05-10-03, 03:14 PM
As long as you allow them to dry thorougly under their basking lamps they can swim as often as they like! It's good for them to get such excellent hydration.

05-10-03, 04:05 PM
I read somewhere on here ( just cant find the post) that between 90-95* was good for them. Glad it's good for them, I always dry them off on a clean towel, and I usually will take them outside if it's sunny, and let them soak up some natural light. (it's phoenix, sun is very strong, even in the winter) Then they go back in their tank under their light, looking fat and happy.:)

05-11-03, 06:34 PM
I have been giving mine soaks every weekly for the 2 years I've had him for. I have been using water at about 85 degrees.

05-13-03, 01:26 PM
how deep is there bath supopsed to be?

thnx in advance

05-13-03, 01:48 PM
Shoulder high works well, they can easily keep their heads above water but crouch down and swim underwater if they choose.

Tim and Julie B
05-13-03, 01:52 PM
Cool I'm going to try it tonight! Bathing beardies who would have guessed. Bathing my Tegu would be lots of fun!

05-14-03, 12:53 PM
My sav loooves baths.

05-16-03, 09:53 PM
My beardie loves it :D I tend to put in bit more water so she gets the chance to actually "swim" and its great! Mine also tends to submerge her head if I forget to spray her that day :P

05-20-03, 01:34 PM
Mine don't get baths that often i would say once a month and they do love it. i also have a large waterdish that at times i will put in their cage and the boy loves to run around the cage and jump in the water then run around the cage again, then jump in the dish he does this for a few hours. i use the dish cause I cant give them too many baths cause i live in a basement and i'm afraid from the transfer from the bathtub (upstairs) to taking them to thier cage might get them to cold. But here is a pic of my female taking a bath if it goes through if not the pic is in my gallary.