View Full Version : Trouble on bothrops identification

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05-10-03, 01:07 PM
OK, here I come again...
I recently met a guy who sells all kind of bothrops ssp. CB and WC, and he claimed to have a WC bothrops ammodytoides (yarara ņata, Patagonian lancehead ). I have never seen this viper in person, just in a few really crappy pictures I found on the net.
This morning I went to his place to see the snake and I wasn't convinced that it was a Patagonian lancehead, but a hybrid ammodytoides x neuweidi.
As I have a friend who's desperate about getting a ammodytoides to complete his priv. collection on native hots I really wanna know what is the viper I saw
So, PLEASE, is anyone can post a decent picture of a patagonian lancehead, I will REALLY APPRECIATE it.
Thanks a lot, Martin.

05-10-03, 01:18 PM
If it isn't a W.a visually ( I assume you do know what one looks like) don't buy it.

05-10-03, 01:19 PM
er B.a

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05-10-03, 03:15 PM
I guess that's the problem, I have never seen a decent picture of a b.a., and plus, the area where the snake was caught has the three argentinian bothrops sp. so hybridation is possible.
Other thing that I wanna be aware of is the morph changes in a same ssp.
thanks, M.

05-11-03, 04:40 PM
Here try this http://www.geocities.com/tassonomia2/Bothropsammodytoides1.jpg Seems to be the only pic I could find I hope it is correct


Feed'em All
05-11-03, 07:15 PM
Thanks! I haven't see that pic, now I am more convinced it's an hybrid.