View Full Version : Are boa's speices getting bigger?

05-10-03, 12:49 PM
I ve been doing a little research on boa speicies and possibly the general size for many boa's is gradually increasing, my guess is the breeders are keeping all the really large females for breeding stock. This could with time increase the average size of a species.
here's some adult BCC and BCI three of the animals are BCI..
this was posted on the MC CARTHY BOA PAGE.
most people who post on the web sites are keeping sub adults boa's .. The five year old boas are proably more close to the adult size,..

05-10-03, 01:39 PM
I don't think geneticaly speaking Boa's are getting any bigger for the most part.What we do see is evolution and a revolution in husbandry overall.I was not too many years ago that information was very hard to find and qualified reptile vets were as rare as "hens teeth".Now we have a wealth of accurate information and Reptile vets are much more common and far better skilled than in days of old.
This leads to near perfect conditions for most boa's(when kept properly) to reach their ultimate size potental based on the genetic codes they carry.Thusly better care is alowing boa's to reach larger sizes (than in the past)in all reality the pics we just looked at were only a sample of x number of animals kept (lets say for instance in North America) There are 7 foot tall people in the world but we never see them that often(the NBA excluded of course) There are a lot more healthy boa's and some really huge ones out there But for every 12 footer how many thousands of 7-8 footers are there? one could only guess to that number.

Good post Doug helps get people thinking about the leaps and bounds the hobby has taken in the past decade,It is also a testement to the improvement we have seen in husbandry practices as well.
