View Full Version : tegu diet?

05-09-03, 04:17 PM

i keep reading tons of caresheets over the net that continuously say i can feed my columbian B&W tegu fruits...but they NEVER say which fruits. if any one knows specifacly which type of fruits are good for them than PLEASE tell me and it would be appreciated.

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

05-09-03, 04:27 PM
I am not a tegu expert by any means, but i would reccomend a variety. If i were you I would feed STRICTLY animal matter until 1 year old. Then after that offer plant matter. Pretty much anything that is ok for any vegitarian herp, is fine for a tegu. Keep that in mind

05-09-03, 06:45 PM
thanks vic...so orange is pretty much what i should give him

people have told me they dont even need fruits but i would like to give him the choice i just didnt know what actual fruit to give him. is there anything else i could give him? fruit wise?

05-17-03, 09:26 PM
According to my Monitors,Tegus and related lizards book by Bartlett and Bartlett they may eat tropical and palm fruit like mangos. It says they like juicy fruits, it dosn't say anything about oranges but if he likes them than why not as a treat.( oranges have alot of citric acid) My golden loves dew worms, crickets and wax worms(wax worms are like candy to them) my dwarf is a bit more picky. Hope I helped(burmeses wife Sherri):)

05-18-03, 12:02 AM
thanks budd

Gary D.
05-19-03, 08:38 PM
Apples, bananas, mangoes, etc. If he likes oranges that's ok too. Stick with fruits and away from the leafy stuff, it doesn't have much food value anyway. Also colombians seem to be less apt to eat a lot of vegitable matter than the argentines, so I wouldn't frett if he's not eating a lot of fruit.