View Full Version : Hold on to your sunglasses !!!

05-09-03, 12:47 PM
Here are some pictures of my recently acquired Het/Applegate Pyros couple (produced by Shannon Brown). Enjoy!<p>Is anybody else in Canada working with the "Applegate Special" morph?<p><img src="http://www.magazoo.com/albumsphotos/steeve/Mes%20Milksnakes/Het_Applegate_Pyro_Male__02.jpg"><p><img src="http://www.magazoo.com/albumsphotos/steeve/Mes%20Milksnakes/Het_Applegate_Pyro_Female__02.jpg">

05-09-03, 01:23 PM
Not familiar with "Applegate Special" morph, what exactly is it? I have a breeding pair of Tarahumara Mtn. Kings (p. knoblochi) that I expect eggs from in the next few weeks. They appear quite similar, but are not the same. Tell me more about your snakes & please explain the "Applegate Special" thing. THX Mark I.

Here's a pic of my male knoblochi (Soon to be daddy WOO HOO!)

<center><img src="http://members.shaw.ca/gonesnakee/MTN.JPG"width="600">

05-09-03, 02:43 PM
Basically, the "Applegate Special" is a red/white Huachuca Mountain Kingsnake (l.pyromelana.woodini) with very little black. It looks a lot like a Christmas candy cane but it is not an amelanistic!

As you can see, mine are not "applegate specials" but they carry the gene. So, in theory, 25% of the offsprings of my couple should be "applegate specials".

For more information (and photos) on the "applegate specials" go to the webpage of Mr. Applegate himself.


05-09-03, 02:45 PM
Woah they are bright, That red is a killer! Beautiful snakes!

05-09-03, 02:47 PM
Awesome snakes! I can't wait to get into pyros.... :)

05-09-03, 03:01 PM
Beautful snakes! I love their colours

05-09-03, 06:01 PM
THX Steeve I won't have to dig out my KS book to identify them now & I'll be sure to check out that site. Mark I.