View Full Version : Quick Q?
Kyle Barker
05-09-03, 12:36 PM
I am wondering if captive hots are able to digest thier food properly. I just thought this because in the wild they are hunting live food, so they have to inject venom. In captivity (in some cases i think) people use F/k and tehy may not need to inject their venom. So my question is this: When feeding do you wiggle it around? just drop it in? Also if you just drop it in will they still inject venom? If not, can they digest the food item properly?
Sorry of these are dumb questions, just one of those things thats bugging me right now:)
05-09-03, 12:47 PM
Most of the time I just lay the prey in a feed tote witht he snake. Very rarely do i have to dot he "rat Dance"
Gregg M
05-09-03, 07:01 PM
Snakes do not digest food faster when they inject it with venom...... There is still some studies that need to be done on this but I feel that venom is not used as a digestive aid...... Or not as much as some my think...... Most of my snakes just swallow the food and some do not even use the fangs to walk the mouse or rat down...... And all are growing at the same rate....... I have three litter mates that all eat differently and all are the same size....... I dont think it is vital for digestion but some may think otherwise......
Kyle Barker
05-11-03, 01:41 AM
Perfect, that got rid of that brain itch :) I was just thinking the whole spider thing, and not knowing anything about venomous snakes, had to ask.
Thanks for the clarrification :)
Also what is a venomoid?
Gregg M
05-11-03, 07:29 AM
A venomoid is a snake that is cut open to remove entire glands or to have the venom ducts cut and tied off to stop the flow of venom to the fangs....... This practice is looked down apon by many of us hot keepers......... It is crule to do this operation to a hot snake........ And it is mostly done by unqualified persons...... There is realy no good reson to have these snakes go thru these painful and sometimes lethal operations...... If a person is not confident and qualified enough to keep hot snakes then they should not alter one to make it more safe........ These operations are not 100% and there are plenty of very beautiful non-venomous snakes to choose from....... Hope I helped you out with your questions........
05-11-03, 09:48 AM
@ Kyle Barker:
I am wondering if captive hots are able to digest thier food properly.
Certainly. Venomous snakes are able to digest their prey in captivity just as they would in the wild.
When feeding do you wiggle it around? just drop it in?
That depends on the individual snake. Most specimens can be conditioned to take thawed/prekilled prey items that are simply placed in the enclosure during feeding time. A select few specimens may take live prey only, and must thus be motivated by moving the prey item accordingly.
Also if you just drop it in will they still inject venom? If not, can they digest the food item properly?
Venomous snakes do not normally inject venom into a dead, stationary prey item. They simply begin swallowing it. Proper digestion takes place with or without venom being injected. The cytotoxic properties of the venom clearly aid in the digestive process, however, they are certainly not crucial to this process.
Kyle Barker
05-11-03, 03:39 PM
Thank you! That cleared up so much.
Gregg: I totally agrre with you, mutating a snake to fit your needs is totally absurd. Among other things, you would think it would be some form of animal cruelty.
Thanks again for the clarrification, really helps :)
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