View Full Version : Enclosures

05-08-03, 08:41 PM
Hey guys, Im thinkin about getting an IJ pretty soon here. Do any of you have a pic of the enclosures for your IJs? A friend of mine and I are prolly gunna build a cage soon for one. Im PRETTY sure its the snake I want. Ive been looking into getting a bigger snake than my BPs that DOESNT FAST! :). Requirements seem easy enough. I was thinkin about makin the enclosure 4 foot long, 3 foot high, and 2 feet wide. It will have a sliding plexiglass door in front and a fully screen top. If more ventalation is needed I can put square foot squares of mesh on the sides.. Is this ok? Ill have plenty of fake plants and such in there for it. My mom is a crazy artsy-fartsy type of person with MILLIONS of plant fixtures :). Thanks all!

05-09-03, 01:34 AM
No you won't need more ventilation. In fact, with the screen top, you'll have too much. Way too much. No screen top. Instead, just put a vent or two in the top corners of the cage out of site (aesthetics).

05-09-03, 07:34 AM
How big should they be? I thought IJs needed a lot of ventalation? Well anyway, are those dimensons alright? How big should the vents be? Thanks!

05-09-03, 08:23 AM
Our IJ enclosures are 4.5 ft X 2 X 1.5, solid wood, plexi front with a 10 inch vent on top and 4X6 inch vents on either end. With aspen bedding and a 10 inch water bowl we get perfect sheds and have not seen respiratory problems. They are hardy snakes. They will do fine in a tank or rubbermaid as youngsters. We didn't move ours into the full size cage until they were 2 years old. Good luck in getting one, they are one of the nicest snakes we own,

mary v.

05-09-03, 12:34 PM
<IMG SRC="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/626setup.jpg">

That's my setup. I have a vent in the top corner. opening the front every day or two to do stuff inside the enclosure also cycles the air. too much ventilation can make other aspects of husbandry more difficult (temps and humidity)... so on all my tanks I keep half covered with plexi glass.


05-09-03, 03:28 PM
Jimi...I love that tank!!! Your plants are growing nicely!