View Full Version : need help

05-08-03, 03:51 PM
hi i just rescued a ball python but it looks like the person that had him must of had a heat rock in his tank .because it looks like has burn marks on him belly and it looks real dry and flaky .Is there any way i can heal his belly?:confused:

05-08-03, 04:27 PM
Can you get a picture so we can see?

What do the burn marks look like? Do they seem like fresh wounds? Please describe it as best you can with as much detail if you can't take a pic.

If the wound is still fresh or "open" I would apply polisporin twice a day. If it's dry skin covering the area, I would give my snake a bath in warm water.

It's really hard to help without any more details...


05-08-03, 04:34 PM
well my camera is not working ok it looks yellowish and dry and scared.

05-08-03, 04:53 PM
If it is dry and scarred then the wound seems to have started healing.

At this point, correct husbandry will be most helpfull and the snake will eventually shed most of the scar away.

If it still seems relatively fresh, polisporin once a day wont hurt but most likely won't do much. Making sure your snake has a nice clean environment would be best, I would suggest paper towels as substrate.

A good eye on humidity levels and making sure it's higher in shed phase is best.

Congrats on rescuing a BP and keep us posted :)


05-08-03, 04:58 PM
ok thanks alot for your help and i'll keep you posted

05-09-03, 08:30 PM
hi is ozonol the same as polisporin because it looks like it might be doing the job or will polisporin work better?

05-10-03, 09:02 AM
You have to read your tube of Ozonol to see if it is the same as polisporin because there are 2 or more kinds of it. Some are their basic classic ointment and some have antibiotics in it. Polisporin is an antibiotic ointment.
