View Full Version : What is it?

05-07-03, 11:18 PM
I caught a snake today... a boy was chasing in the gutter, after getting it out of his yard, with a broom handle, and as I drove by I thought from the color that it might be a rattler, so I turned around, got out and after a closer look, realised it was a type of constrictor, so I picked it up and put it in a bag and took it home. But I have no idea what kind it is... it is about 3 feet long, sandy tan color and has an interesting 3 circles on its head between its eyes. I've never seen that before, I had a common boa when I was a kid, and I want to get this guy (or girl) to a safe place, but I would like to know if anyone knows what kind of boa it is and if you have any recommendations of where to place it in the Phoenix area...thanks:)

05-07-03, 11:23 PM
It's very difficult to tell what this species is from your description... is it possible to get a pic? As for placing the little guy, once you get an ID on him, you can try advertising him in the classifieds ;)

05-08-03, 06:00 PM
Well, considering you are in Arizona....

Here is a listing of all native snakes found in Arizona.

I haven't gotten all the links to work yet, so here is a link to the North American Snakes page.....

You will be albe to see photos of most of them on that page.

If you cannot find one matching what it is you caught, shoot me a email and I'll go through my records and see if I have one that matches what you have.


05-08-03, 08:09 PM
Thanks for your suggestions... had someone from the AZ Herpetological Society pick him up today... turns out not a boa at all, just a rather large gopher snake, my wife thinks that's what it was identified as. Had me fooled, but its been along time since I held a snake, just glad I kept it from being killed. Thanks again!

05-10-03, 03:23 AM
Its always very dangerous to pick up snakes you are not sure about what it is...very dangerous!

Imagine you would pick up a Micruroides euryxanthus thinking its a Lampropeltis Triangulum...