View Full Version : new retic enclosure

05-07-03, 05:52 PM
6'x3'x2' with a melamine floor... inside walls waterproofed with MinWax Polyurethane Quick Dry... heated on the warm side with a 150W porcelane (sp?) heater and a back up fixture on the cool side if needed. I just finished this temporary (until we build our new house in about 2 years) enclosure for my 6' (and rapidly growing) 1.0 retic.


Greg West
05-07-03, 08:45 PM
looks good, but I don't think that was the best material for you to use. Dod you seal the edges or the outside of the cage as well? Any moisture gets absorbed into that cage and its going to swell and rot.


05-07-03, 09:05 PM
I sealed the edges with clear sylicone.

05-08-03, 07:03 AM
I think i'd probably paint the entire cage or seal it with something. That material is going to swell. Also, is that MDF? I've heard people say that MDF lets off toxic fumes or something. Seems like a good paint job or clearcoat would do the trick.

05-08-03, 09:19 PM
I have cages built out of MDF, and have had no problems whatsoever. Here is a link to a site where a guy uses MDF on all his cages (and he seems to know what he is doing, lol)


Hope this helps you out some.