View Full Version : Bearded Dragon Name

05-07-03, 02:26 PM
Well, im getting 2 female bearded dragons, somewhere in the summer. And since im very bad in coming up with names, i will just let you people pick one :D . I allready got the first one: Rum Jungle. Which is actually a place in Australia :cool: . And the second one is for you to pick. The names in the list are all places in Australia. Why, do you ask? well since beardies are originally from Australia, i thought it was a fun idea.
Well thanks for helping :D
Greetz Daan

P.S. If you got other great names, dont hold them back :)

05-07-03, 02:37 PM
Hehe, fun poll :)

I voted for "Moonie" but I also like "Gympie" and "Tanami"


05-07-03, 05:24 PM
i would call it skinny whinnie

05-08-03, 10:10 AM
Moonie- it's just easy to say.

05-08-03, 10:51 AM
lol....they arent original are they!

Tim and Julie B
05-08-03, 03:38 PM
Places in Aust.? And I thought you were making up some names by randomly hitting the key board! :D I voted for Toowoomba because it is a very odd word and an even weirder name. How about Foster ( Fosters Australias other export). MMMMMMM................bbbeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr!!!

I named our female citris Citron. I am a big car buff and love rally racing.

05-08-03, 03:49 PM
My females name is Issabella.
No offence but i wouldnt name any of my lizards any of those names. Except Gympie, I think thats kool, but more for a guy.

Tim and Julie B
05-09-03, 09:29 AM
Hey I think those names are great and much more origanal then most other names picked. Whats wrong with you people Toowooba is a great name for a beardy. If you don't use it I will.:D

05-09-03, 10:10 AM
Foster is a great idea for a beardie name! I wish I would have come up with it!


05-09-03, 01:30 PM
Well the foster name is rather cewl, but i think it sounds to manly. Since its beer and all and most of the time men drink beer :D
And if you really want to have Toowoomba Tim and/or Julie, be my guest :D
Thanx for the vote y'all. But remember, the poll isnt closed yet :cool:

Tim and Julie B
05-09-03, 01:53 PM
Oh I see your from the Netherlands. Very cool but in Canada woman drink beer like guys. Hell sometimes better. I've known a few that would hold their liquor better then some guys a hundred pounds heavier! I am not saying you should use that name but just wanted to let you in on a little piece of Canadian culture. I don't know if I will get another bearded but thanks for the name idea.:D-Tim

05-09-03, 01:57 PM
I like Foster as well.
We got a female chocolate lab and named her Harley (my dad is a motorcycle fan) but we changed it to Hailey (short for Hailey's Bristol Cream- they were similar colors, anyway) because it sounded more feminine. But there was a Harley who was a female on Batman. Long story short- who cares about the gender, just pick a name you like. I have 4 female snakes and their names all have a male tone to them: Pliskin, CLyded, Mars & Boscoe. I'm rambling, it's Friday, forgive me.

Tim and Julie B
05-09-03, 02:01 PM
It's Friday? Wahoo!