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05-05-03, 04:16 PM
HAH! I still can't stop laughing! Well, I went up to my country house today and oh boy..that is a day that I will never forget!! Heres what happened:

Okay well I was walking through the forest to the pond at my nextdoor neighbor's place in the country and I noticed that my chihuahua(who for some reason cannot swim) was trying to eat something in the water and she falls in and struggles to stay above water and managess to swim into the middle of the pond. Then she starts to go under and her head goes under. She keeps on bobbing above and under the water and starts to drown. now I have no choice but to go in and help her out but since I was alone at my country house and I only had one pair of clothes which I was wearing, I had to take them all off so that they wouldnt get full of mud and frogspawn etc. So I take them off and jump in the swamp to get my chihuahua. When I finally pick her up out of the water, I notice that themud at the bottom of the pong is white...but it wasnt mud...It was a pile of DEAD...ROTTING FROGS ONE FOOT DEEP COVERING EVERY INCH OF THE POND'S BOTTOM!!! I scream soooo loudly and then here comes my really really really hot, 15 year old neighbor, Matt. Why did it have to be the guy that I have a huge crush on?! So there I am, in the middle of the pond with mud up to my naval, dead frogs up to my breast, and water up to my chin and a chihuahua which I am holding over my head who is dripping with mud. Luckily Matt couldn't see anything because of all of the nastiness surrounding me. Now wait...as if this is embaressing enough, more happens! So Matt offers to help me out of the water and I am so mesmorised by his looks and charm that I agree and let him HOLD MY HAND( yes....he actually held my hand!!!) to pull me out of the water. So he pulls me up and notices that I am butt-naked and then HE screems, drops me and runs for his life. now I realise that the hottest guy in the world has just seen me with no close on and covered in mud and rotten animals. MY HEAD goes under water and I squirm around int he nastiness but manage to get my dog out of the water and put her on shore while I use tshirts and stuff to cover myself up while I run for my life down the road and back to my cottage where I manage to clean myself up. IT WAS SO EMBARESSING!!!! Oh lord...I hope I never have to see Matt again...it would just be so embaressing!! Lol!! I still can't beleive it happened!!! I am not lying at all...no one beleives it but it is true!!! Omg...It was SO EMBARESSING! I still don't know how so many frogs managed to die and rot at the bottom of the pond...ew :( Tell me what you think LOL! I can't get over this! :p:D

05-05-03, 04:20 PM
Don't sound fun.......but I know if I was Matt my first thought would not be to scream and run ;) He will come around again you can bet on that! I would not worry to much stuff like this happenes to the best of us!

05-05-03, 04:27 PM
hahahaha... maybe he thought you were really sexy, but was surprised. Man, I'd be like "mmm yeah baby" lol jk.

05-05-03, 04:32 PM
Hah!! I think he was just shocked and really didn't expect to see me like that. Lol I still cannot beleive how embaressing that was!

Tim and Julie B
05-05-03, 04:42 PM
Wow! :eek: Now my weekend really dosen't seem all that bad! Thanks for putting it all in perspective. If Matt is a regular 15 year old boy, he must have been really shocked :eek: for him to run away. did he shriek like a little girl? :eek: That's a pretty good indication! If you see him again just act like it didn't bother you. I do wonder why there was that many dead frogs.

05-05-03, 04:48 PM
well he didnt scream as in AHHH but more like OH LORD! I'm not sure if he screamed in a good way or bad way...he sounded really shocked. Lol :P

05-05-03, 04:51 PM
LOL sounds like the fights me and my sister have. A few times when ive just gotten out of the shower and im walking around shes torn off my towel and pushed me outside...Holy crap is that embarasing! All my neighbours seeing me run around to the back of the house to grab the spare key when im wearing absolutey nothing. Great story Emily!

05-05-03, 04:55 PM
Hmmm...come to think of it..I think that Matt only screamed and only acted scared so that i wouldnt think that he was a pervert :p makes sense now that i think about it :p

05-05-03, 05:05 PM
Oh boy....i shouldn't of posted this...Now already 48 people know one of the most embaressing moments of my life! Lol :p too late :p

05-06-03, 05:00 AM
Those frogs were so nasty though! I thought that I would puke!

05-06-03, 05:53 AM
Oh Man! At least you saved your dog! lol
Where abouts is your cabin? I would contact Fish and Wildlife for that area and report all the frogs being dead in the pond. ....but leave out HOW you found them! LOL ;P

Steeve B
05-06-03, 06:57 AM
That’s disgusting and sad, STOP… REWIND… PLAYBACK as Matt rush over to your rescue he gets a glimpse at your nakedness and act as he doesn’t see you, knowing you maybe embarrassed he take off his sweatshirt to cover you up! Will you be alright now? He asks with a soft voice. Dreaming

The sad truth who’d be, Matt will spend the rest of his days talking about this naked girl in a pound of dead frogs, then again maybe he won’t mention the frogs.
Come to think of it, who who’d believe this anyway frogs or no frogs!

Naked or not you’re the best Emily
Kind regards

05-06-03, 07:44 AM
LOL! That's quite an adventure!!!

Glad you eventually got you little dog out alright :)

And for your crush Matt (hehe, I'm still laughing!) I'm pretty sure the last thing he expected when pulling you out was that you were buck naked!!! Some people react in funny ways to these circumstances! At least he's not a perv and didn't oogle and leer at you!!!

Next time you see him just pretend it didn't happen. But if you want to see him blush (hehe) thank him for rescuing you the other day and move to something else.

Great story!

P.S. That sounds really gross about the frogs. I will ask around to see if it's a normal happenstance or something to look into more.

05-06-03, 08:55 AM
Lol thats one of the oddest things i have ever heard... lol

Jordan :P

05-06-03, 02:30 PM
Wow, what a story! It was really funny that the guy screamed and ran away :D hehehe Oh and here is a tip, teach your dog how to swim!!! lol

05-06-03, 03:09 PM
HEHEHE!!!! u Had me in stiches

05-06-03, 03:12 PM
Where is your cottage? :P lol I just might know that guy

05-06-03, 03:27 PM
Its in Terriep. Its a very small french place which isnt on that many maps :p

Shane Tesser
05-06-03, 03:43 PM
Hmmmm i dont know about matt...but i know what i was like at that age... and i know what i would have done..frogs or not...i hate to break this to you...but i think matt might be more interested in your brother!!! LMAO!!! Thats a hilarious story!!! :D

05-06-03, 03:46 PM
Haha awesome story, and Shane, i think you might be right! lol

05-06-03, 03:54 PM
What do you mean, Shane?

05-06-03, 04:06 PM
HA HA i was going to say the same thing Shane
I know when i was 15 the last thing i would of done was run away from a naked girl HA HA that is funny so next time this happens not saying it will but get your Brother to go in naked then call matt and if he does not run away like he did when he saw you naked then i think it is time for you to find a new crush!!
P.S it is to bad for the frog's wonder what happened to them?

05-06-03, 04:14 PM
He means Matt is gay, and like little boys

05-06-03, 04:17 PM

I had tears streaking down my cheeks while I tried to read through your story! It sounds so unbelieveable! Poor you! Poor Dog! Poor Frogs! Poor Matt! bwahahahahahahaaaaaa

Bj :D

Steeve B
05-06-03, 04:21 PM
Shane I think you nailed it, sorry emily

05-06-03, 04:29 PM
I'm 15 and I would have never done what you think burmese_python! lollllllll I think the last thing I would do is run away from a naked girl too! hehehe

05-06-03, 04:48 PM
haha!! Yeah Matt is an odd ball....but I don't know any guy, no matter how odd they are, that would run away from hands-on-photography if you know what I mean lol! :p

05-06-03, 04:52 PM
I wouldnt run away HAHA

05-06-03, 04:52 PM
or Hands-on-biology class hehe

05-06-03, 09:58 PM
I think the post is hilaruos and i just wish i was there to see you i wouldt have screamed abd ran for mommy i promise you that!!!

05-07-03, 08:41 AM
Poor Emily!!!! What a dreadful thing to happen to you. I think he was probably just shocked. A nice guy wouldn't hang around and oggle you. (Ehem Shane!) That's weird about the frogs too. Is your dog ok?

05-07-03, 08:56 AM
Wow! That is quite the story. Maybe Matt ran home to grab his camera so he could show his friends so they would beleive him.:D j/k. Don't sweat it Emmie, he will get over it. And maybe the chihauha swimming lessons wouldn't be such a bad idea.

;) Regards
