View Full Version : Okay One more Question!

06-14-02, 09:14 PM
I think my Boa (three months old alomst 4 months old that I just got two weeks ago) is Dehydrated! If you've read my past messages you probley remember me telling you about her wrinkly skin right.

well anyways, Her skin when I got her was very firm and round, and now its loaded with wrinkles and she dosn't seem to be very active I don't even think she's checked out her little home yet, plus she won't use her hinds!

okay, okay I'm going off topic sorry :) as I was saying she's very dry and wrinkly, could she be in a shed? she just ate today and I know My BP's won't eat if they are in a shed do boas?

I'm so sorry for all these silly questions, but I'm just concered and its so different owning them so young and care sheets only answer so much.

before I end this messages I'll give you the info on temp and hum.

her Humidity is around 60-75% and her temp is 90(heat pad) and 85-79 (where the heat pad isn't) day time, It drops maybe to 87 heat pad side and 78 none heat pad side.


Darren Hamill
06-14-02, 10:52 PM

(1) Are you taking the temperature from the cage floor or suspended in the air? The temperature should be taken from the substrate of the cage (bottom) where the boa will lie. 90 F for a hot spot is a little warm for a neonate, I would suggest having a hot spot of 85-86 F and the ambient temp of 82-84 F.

(2) What kind of thermometer are you using? Stick on thermometers are garbage. I wouldn't recommend using any of them. They're all inaccurate.

(3) If she's not using her hides where is she sitting? Hot spot? Cold spot?

(4) How large is the water bowl? Is it overly tall? Some neonates have problems drinking from tall water dishes. They feel intimidated by them. This sounds odd but it does happen from time to time.

Lastly, there are NO silly questions here. We're all here to help and any question towards the healthy captive care of your boa are always welcome here........... Always! :)

06-15-02, 12:07 AM
Thank you for your help!

My answers to your questions:

When she's lying around she's usally on the hot spot. I am taking the temp from the ground and it reads 90.

I'm using one of those round thermometer that has some sticky stuff on the back, they're pretty good as far as I know.

the water bowl isn't to high off the ground maybe an inch if not.

Thanks you agian for you help Darren,

Darren Hamill
06-15-02, 09:53 AM

I would make two small suggestions........ The sticks on thermometers are not good at all. They may take accurate temperatures when first purchased but will change in time. There is no point using a thermometer that may cause you more problems than good over time. I would simply use a digital thermometer that can be purchased at any Home Hardware or Home Depot. They are the safest and most accurate thermometers that you could ask for.

The water bowl sounds great but I would still suggest maintaining a cooler hot spot. Seeing how you boa is mostly on her hot spot I would find it hard to believe that it's really 90 F. Try to take a more accurate temperature reading and try again.

(82-84 cool side - 85-86 hot side.)

Keeping a neonate BCI too warm will quickly dehydrate them. Let me know how you make out....

06-19-02, 09:35 AM
thanks again Darren! you've be a really help!

I guess it was just a shed*phew* cuz I found pices of skin around the incloser. what I don't understand is why her sheds so bad, she's in a rubbmaid and it keeps the hum and 75% most of the time, yet her shed is still not very good, do you know why?


Darren Hamill
06-19-02, 10:25 AM

Simply increase her huimidity and spray hey occasionally if need be. It's good to hear all is well. :)

We're always here if you need any advise.