View Full Version : Plexi Glass

05-05-03, 07:40 AM
Can anyone suggest a good wholesaler of this stuff? I need a few big sheets but the home depot/rona prices are outragous!! and their sheets are too thick for what I need them for.

beth wallbank
05-05-03, 07:45 AM
You may want to try a window repair shop near you. I am able to get used glass and plexi that the buff and cut to size and looks no different than buying new, and its really cheap compared to the Rona pricing or new glass pricing.

05-05-03, 10:33 AM
I can get it for you but I'm in London.

05-05-03, 10:54 AM
Look in the Yellow Pages for any plastic manufacturers. There are all sorts in there... you can get all sorts of thicknesses of many different plastics at a very reasonable price. Many will often do all precuts for you, and some will are even willing to do your entire project for a nominal fee.