View Full Version : Big Burm Cage

05-04-03, 07:48 PM
I am planing on building a cage for my albino burmese python. i had planed on haveing one that was 8 feet wide 4 feet wide and i dont know how tall yet. well i am trying to figure out what the best building materal would be. i am thinking wominised and water proofed plywood on all sides with sliding glass fronts. and aproprate holes drilled on all sides of the cage for venelation. but i was also thinking screen top for better air flow but i dont know how this will affect the humitidy any seggetions would be apprecated thanks.

05-04-03, 09:04 PM
I would avoid the screen top and go with some vents in the sides of the cage. Number of vents would depend on how large each vent was, of course. As far as building material, you can always use melamine. If you don't like that look, just about any type of plywood can be used as long as it is properly sealed and treated. Just make sure it is thick enough (don't buy the really thin crap to save $5 a sheet, it is not worth it to rebuild the thing in a month or less!!!!).

I personally HATE sliding glass doors! All my cages have hinged doors (wood doors made out of the same material as the rest of the cage with viewing windows installed in the door). All my doors open down, and open the full length of the cage.

Just my $.02, now where is my change?