View Full Version : should i try mealies?

05-04-03, 06:55 PM
A question for the experts - should I feed my 3 week old leos meal worms? If I do, should I go for freshly moulted ones? I think they can handle them, but I want to get some opinions on this first :)

05-04-03, 06:57 PM
Some times the babies cant digest there hard skin so they end-up regurgitating it. Plus small mealies dont really do much. They dont have moisture like crickets do, id stick with the crickets.

05-04-03, 07:22 PM
I have always fed leos mealworms, even young ones. In the beginning they will not take them, but be persistent and they end up loving them. Freshly molted ones are easier to digest for the babies. Just gut load them well, and offer them in a low dish with calcium. Make sure it is a dish they can't climb out of though.

05-05-03, 06:43 AM
I gotta disagree with ya there reptilez. I breed my own mealworms and find that they do much better on the smaller mealies than the larger ones and they are much easier to digest. Yes whenever possible, you should feed the freshly molted (white) ones.