View Full Version : This Years Egg Count So Far...
05-04-03, 01:07 PM
Hi everyone! I thought I'd share with you what's been laid so far:
March 23/03 - Eastern Indigo 14/14 good
April 1/03 - Children's Python 11/11 good
April 16/03 - Vietnamese Blue Beauty 13/13 good
May 3/03 - Mexican Milksnake 5/6 good
May 4/03 Snow Corn Snake approx. 15 so far & still laying
In the next 2 weeks I expect (hope!!!) to have the following lay:
2 Ghost Corns, Amel. Corn, Striped Amel. Corn, Striped An. Corn, Albino Abberrant Cal-King, Desert Banded CK, Lavender CK, 2 Striped Albino CK's, 2 Jungle Corns (het Albinos), Sinaloan Milk, 3 Graybanded King's & last but not least Tarahumara Mtn. King (Knoblochi) & I think thats it. It's an Easter Egg Hunt everyday for the next while anyways so WOO HOO! Prior this year I had only produced Corns, CK's, Graybands & K. Sand Boas so there are many firsts to look forward to for me this year. Wish me luck people I can only cross my own fingers so many times, LOL.
Mark IsBell - GONE SNAKEE! (403)252-2597 (403)708-6705
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WOW sounds good Mark! Are you going to have a table at the show this month?
05-04-03, 01:45 PM
Yes I will be at the spring TARAS show in Calgary, AB. this May long weekend. I won't have much available, but will have lots on display. With any luck the Children's Pythons will have hatched by then too. Mark I.
05-04-03, 02:28 PM
Amazing! Keep up the good work!
Hey Mark, good stuff!! Can't wait for TARAS! Whatcha bringing besides "our" blue beauty and cali? Actually, you know what, don't tell us, we're spent out!
Good luck with all those eggies!
05-04-03, 03:54 PM
Wow you are gonna have a full house.Congrats and good luck with all the hatching.
wow lots of eggs congrats best of luck with all the egg's mark keep us posted.
05-05-03, 05:27 PM
I think this post jinxed me, DOH! The last female mentioned squeezed 2 more out on her own & then had to be taken to the Vet today for manual extraction of the last five eggs. She had 2 stuck just above her vent & then another 3 quite high up in her. It worked out really well though & I think that the 5 eggs we extracted at the Vet's are going to be alright also. So after all was said & done this little female that I had hoped would drop around a dozen eggs, "laid" 22 total. They are small for Corn eggs, but all appear fertile at present. Time will tell. I'm just glad that the poor girl is no longer "eggbound". She's not out of the fire yet though as the membrane from her oviducts was stretched out quite a bit & the last egg had to be manipulated out of it & then the lining had to be tucked back into her vent manually with a probe. OUCH! Needless to say this little girl's breeding days are now over even if she is still capable. Hopefully she will not stress out & her "insides" will stay up where they are supposed to be (ie: inside lining that surrounds the eggs) & not invert again. She was really good about everthing considering what was involved with the extraction + the shots afterwards. I also hope the eggs are fertile so all of her suffering was not in vain. Fingers crossed. Mark I.
05-05-03, 09:07 PM
Great news about all you are expecting Mark and too bad about the little female. Hope she makes it with no further problems. Best wishes,
Mary v.
05-05-03, 09:25 PM
Yikes! I hope she pulls through alright.
Mark, good luck with all your eggs this year. Maybe I'll snatch a Grey Band off of you in Red Deer... :)
05-08-03, 08:41 PM
Hi again all! Update: Snow Corn female is doing well. I think that the 5 "vet" eggs are going to die though. On a better note my first 100% het jungle corn (was bred with an albino) had a large clutch started when I was cleaning a few hours ago, so I'll be looking forward to see how many she squeezes out altogether in the morning. I also have quite a few snakes that I think will lay this weekend. WOO HOO! Mark I.
P.S. Well I got the final count for the Jungle Corn 12/14 good.:D
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