View Full Version : Pics of my new Rock!

05-02-03, 12:04 AM
Well I got my lil guy finally! A big thanks to Steeve..

Hes nice and nasty - just the way I love em!



05-02-03, 12:08 AM
Very nice i want one just not right now hehe :)
good pic Dom

05-02-03, 12:15 AM
Nice are you planing on a breeding project if so I will take a female when you produce the babys cause from the looks of things it would be a good purches from thows parents.

05-02-03, 12:24 AM
I might next year.. but if I do .. It will be only once..

I truly think these snakes should not be on the market as they really are not the ideal snakes for captivity ..

05-02-03, 12:31 AM
You got that right I want a paire just to say I have them in my collection and if I breed them it would be for the same reason cause they say it is not an easy task to breed rocks I want a colection based on large constrictors and breed them all once.

Just as a personal acomplishment I will not breed Anacondas and burms cause one there is to many burms and Anacondas are just not pet snakes. But retic's and rocks and scrubs there is always some one that is up for a new chalange and would prefer a CB

05-02-03, 04:31 AM
actually I have never heard of anyone having difficulties breeding retics and rocks .. from talking to ppl .. they are pretty to breed if u cycle em properly. As for the scrubs.. those are the toguhy .. a few ppl are now breeding em but theres no real way of cycling them right now so until the few breeders that bred em reveal their secrets.. its all up to educated guesses.

I think annacondas should be bred more in captivity .. more cb means less wc in the end.. the majority out there are wc.

05-02-03, 04:33 AM
good point well we will have to see what the snake gods have in store for us in the future

05-02-03, 04:47 AM
Pretty! But I don't see how you can think that nasty snakes are good pets...

05-02-03, 05:17 AM
You are right these snakes are not pets they are for serious ppl who plan on having a nice collection. Me personaly I love the nasty ones They comand more respect and are more facinating to watch as display animals that are for the ''big boy's/Girls'' of this hoby. Most ppl that have them they study them in great deapth or just have a interste in large constrictors I plan on having a pair of all the ones that ppl would not normaly see in captivaty and certanly never see all of them in one collection that is my dream there is only 6 GIANTS I want Retic's, Burm's, rocks, scrubs, Anacondas and boas (BCI and also BCC)

05-02-03, 05:39 AM
I'll take a nice docile red tail any day. You people have big "sets" keeping mean snakes that can get big enough to eat you. lol More power to you!
Congrats Dom they are very nice,

05-02-03, 05:43 AM
Ho men!! You did it!! He look nice, good luck with them.

05-02-03, 05:45 AM
keep them well fed and dont p!$$ them off...LOL and we have no problems keeping these guys just need to trust the ppl that work with you to keep these animals and clean them

05-02-03, 07:23 AM
Very nice Dom :D

05-02-03, 09:32 AM
i realy like him. what is his current size?

05-02-03, 02:00 PM
tx everyone..

The new male is about 6 feet long .. het for patternless as well..

HE was tamed but after being in a warm enviroment .. he went nasty .. I gotta play with him tongiht and feed em so well see how it goes.. I personally LOVE rocks that fascinate me to death.

05-02-03, 02:04 PM
Wow hes VERY pretty. Make sure you get feeding pics:)

05-02-03, 02:11 PM
Wow Dom!!!!!!!
He's very nice!!!! I'm just curious, is it a sebae sebae, or a sebae natalensis?? I'm not very good for do the distinction between the two subspecies!

Congrulation again!

05-04-03, 06:11 AM
really great snake you've got there Dom.. Looks really healthy. Hope you won't be bitten to much LOL...

05-04-03, 06:14 AM
correct me if I am wrong Doi :) but I think it is a sebae sebae.. and nowdays it isn't sebae natalensis.. it is just Python natalensis and Python sebae.

05-05-03, 11:49 PM
Very nice guy ! :)congrats !

Steeve B
05-06-03, 12:12 AM
Gorges looking beast, this guy could not have fallen in better hands, enjoy him.
As for amethystine all you need is to feed them much more, they are high metabolism snakes, without sufficient food they reabsorb follicles, other then this they breed the same as the other big guys.
Kind regards

05-06-03, 06:54 AM
Tx steeve .. thats great info to know!

05-06-03, 04:37 PM
very nice dom I new you would get another..lol
