View Full Version : heat pads & leos

05-01-03, 01:27 PM
gonna try to pick your brains hehehe... is there a way to use a uth without actually sticking it on? i might not want to use it where it is, but have to in the short term...

second, if i had 3 young leos who never been together before, can i put them together in a nice big home w/ lots of hides??? or would they fight? all three to be female :)



05-02-03, 06:42 AM
You could duct tape the edges.

Yes if they are all the same size and eating well. And also if you have had them for at least three months with no sign of health problems and that they have all had fecals done to make sure they are free of parasites. If you do put them together, monitor their eating closely and some tend to bully others for food. ALso, they probably will fight, just make sure you are POSITIVE they are all female and that you don't have two males or anything. You didn't say how young but sometimes you can't tell the sex til they are a little older. Just some things to think about.

hope this helps!

05-02-03, 12:42 PM
if the pad is the stiky pads and I think it is cut a pice of plexi glass and place it on there that way when you need to move it you with the plexi glass over it you could place it right in the cage cause it dosen't make a big difrence stuck to the botome of the cage or in the cage stuck to plexi glass there is still a thin layer of glass betwean the animal and the heat sourse.

Tim and Julie B
05-03-03, 10:16 AM
I agree with Alicewave. Duct tape is a great idea. And the leos will be fine together, provided you keep them seperate for a few weeks. That way you can observe their eating habits. If you don't have enough cages to seperate them use some rubbermaids. You can lay them over the uth on one side just until you figure out if they are all eating. It's also a good way to get them a little bigger before putting them together. Just be sure to put holes in the them!:D lol Good luck with the leos.

05-04-03, 06:25 PM
thanks for the help, but the deal fell through one escaped and passed on the other two he decided to keep so next time i'll find a pro breeder or even (gasp) a petstore....