04-30-03, 07:40 PM
Hello all, Thought I'd introduce myself, tell you what I've got etc whatever. I'm recently out of the house, but in college, I recently started working for as a vet assistant till i pass my vet tech boards, My apartment is full of animals, though not filled to the gills as it was when i first moved down. I currently house 3 mice, 3-6 rats (depending on when my b/f is around, 3 are his), a bratty guinea pig, a 5 gallon nano reef, a 2 gallon betta vase, soon a 20 tall african shellies tank, a ferret, a young corn snake and a bearded dragon. Other things I've had in the past include, Oscar fish, most other fresh water fish, rose hair and pink toe tarantulas, lots of other rats, assorted birds, newts, albino frogs, hermit crabs, green tree frogs, a young iguana, a savannah monitor, who knows what else... I've gained a lot of info about assorted animals in my travels although I'm still well, not ill-informed about reptiles, but I have questions and could use the support of other reptile owners.
So, here i am...
So, here i am...