View Full Version : Northern Woodland Mulch?

04-29-03, 02:41 PM
Found this at crappy tire for 3$ per huge bag... is it safe to use?

Smells a little strong but not too bad...


04-29-03, 02:46 PM
i was looking at it a couple months ago, and it seemed OK

....but it didnt mention if it did or did not have cedar in it, so i didnt want to take the chance

I would stick with cypress.

we sell big bags for $10 if your interested in it, email me if you are!

04-29-03, 02:50 PM
What exactly about cedar makes it toxic? If i let the stuff sit in the sun for a bit, would is be okay?


04-29-03, 02:54 PM
Im not sure, it may not even have cedar in it!
i just didnt want to take the chance, could be a costly mistake

if you can find out forsure if it contains cedar or not, go for it...otherwise, i say go with cypress, or something similar

04-29-03, 03:10 PM
I called, it's almost ALL cedar. Buggers.

Oh well, thanks anyway, I'll probably be in touch with you about the good stuff soon!


04-29-03, 04:26 PM
Extractives in the resin of the cells in the wood is what makes Cedar (and many softwoods) toxic. They make a lot of cleaners and disinfectants from the extractives.

04-29-03, 09:07 PM
i went to the local green house and picked up a huge 60 litre bag of orchid bark for like 28 bucks.
it is the exact same as repti-bark. but much cheaper than buying it in the reptile store. lets just say i saved about $75 dollars, from not buying that amount in the pet store.

but watch out at the greenhouse because some of the orchid bark has the little white clumps in it which i think is perlite, so dont buy that stuff.

04-30-03, 12:48 AM
Nothing wrong with perlite so I don't know why you'd avoid stuff with some in it. TONS of people use it to hatch very delicate lizards and snakes, such as this little guy:

Nothing wrong with perlite:


04-30-03, 01:36 AM
OOOps what was i thinking i must have been thinking of something else. sorry dont mind me